Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are under the influence of a high pressure system inland to our NW that has setup an offshore air flow from the inland deserts -- it always get unseasonably warmer when this occurs. Today's high was 69 with a low of 44 expected overnight. That pattern (although probably with highs of 64 instead of 69) will continue through the weekend. It's going to take a lot of will power to take an all-day flight to the arctic on Thursday. -- Andy Oppel At 05:37 AM 1/12/2009, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ wrote:
Good morning, and welcome to Board Meeting Week.
The weather forecast for later this week calls for light snow (no more than 4 inches) on Thursday followed by bitter cold: below zero overnight and possibly not out of the single digits during the day on Friday. While this will not faze our Minnesota colleagues, those of you from warmer climes should plan to dress accordingly.
Speaking of dress, we will be taking the annual Board photograph after lunch on Friday. Please wear a jacket and tie (or feminine equivalent) for that occasion; otherwise, "business casual" is fine.
Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
Andy Oppel andy.oppel@gmail.com andy@andyoppel.com