Director Norton


Had you asked for the NCJ contract at the A&F meeting, you would have noted that it was sitting in a folder directly in front of me.


You also would not have tried to have the A&F Chair request it after the fact on your behalf, with the intent of obscuring that the contract was being provided to you.


Per usual, you misrepresent the truth to your own benefit and to my detriment in front of the rest of the board.


The President and Chair of A&F have read the contract regarding NCJ from front to back.


Please provide me with EXACTLY what information you are looking for from the contract.  I will not give you a copy of the contract in an anticipated twisting of words to attack Becky and her staff with exactly this kind of non-sensical claim.


I am leaving the office at 4pm today.  Your request for specifically what you are looking for must be received by me prior to that.  I will note, again, that your last minute information requests during the days leading up to a board meeting are not appreciated.  Your requests must be timely.  Hours before leaving the office is inconsistent with that notion.




From: Richard Norton <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 11:04 AM
To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <>
Subject: Fw: Request Your Assistance - ARRL & NCJ Contract


Mr. Minster:


Somehow, the NCJ contract did not make it to the November A&F Committee meeting.


Would you please bring a copy of the contract to the upcoming A&F meeting, or the Board meeting, and show Board members what exactly has been agreed to in writing.


Thank you.


Dick Norton, N6AA



----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Jeff Ryan" <>

To: "Richard Norton" <>


Sent: Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 1:36 PM

Subject: Re: Request Your Assistance - ARRL & NCJ Contract


I reached out to Mr. Minster and he said he would be delighted to bring the contract to the A&F meeting.

Safe travels!



On Nov 14, 2023, at 9:50 PM, Richard Norton <> wrote:



Would you please ask David Minster to have a copy of the signed agreement, between the ARRL and NCJ that he has said that he has, available for viewing at the upcoming A&F meeting.






Dick, N6AA