Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish I could be with you for this important meeting of the Board, but circumstances prevent my presence. Obviously, neither I nor anyone else is so indispensable that the business of the League cannot continue in our absence. This is only fitting. I know that my very capable friend (and confidant) Vice Director Mondro will represent the GLD and Amateur Radio with distinction. I would like to share a thought with you over the EC's proposal to update our Strategic Plan. First, I commend the EC on its positive stance regarding our burgeoning Grassroots program. I concur fully in the action the EC proposes as well as their listing it as the number 1 item in their proposal. It is no secret I firmly believe the future of Amateur Radio is linked directly to the success or failure on the Grassroots program. Unless we can ensure the future of our Service, any effort toward fine tuning of regulations and such become meaningless. My only concern over the EC's Grassroots recommendations is of specifics. Clearly, it would be inappropriate for the Board to define every detail of the program in depth. However, it could be equally disastrous to the program and Amateur Radio if the Board fails to state quite clearly its unmistakable support of the program. I encourage the Board to develop and approve a directive that clearly states the importance of Grassroots and our dedication to make this program a total success. I am willing to bet that Director Fallon would be willing to assist in just such a venture. Tnx for taking the time to consider this message. Incidentally, I'll tip a glass of wine with you at 6:30 this evening. Good luck. 73, Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is!