I believe Dale is correct in his concern about the arbitrary pressure imposed by the shortened meeting time. Although Mike is right to consider the cost savings, the possible harm is too great. Here's hoping we do get to have the First Meeting in Hartford.
I think we all can appreciate the desire to save a few bucks on a
meeting room, but I believe there is far more value in not placing
a time limit on the respective meetings. I encourage each of our
Standing Committees to use the necessary time to complete all of
their business without arbitrary pressure imposed by needing to
vacate the room for the next meeting.
On 10/27/2021 1:56 PM, Michael Ritz
I received a e-mail from Chairman Hippisley
of the EmComm/FS committee that they will not be holding a
meeting at the January Board meeting. That leaves just the
A&F and PSC for Standing Committee meetings on the
Thursday, which I assume because of COVID restrictions will be
at the hotel again.
The question is: Can A&F and PSC share
the same conference room at the hotel to save the League some
money? I would be willing to hold the PSC in the afternoon
Thursday, after lunch, if A&F can squeeze their fray into
the morning time-frame, before lunch. (Or the other way
around, if the A&F crowd would rather sleep in.)