Hi all,
The performance information on the ARRL's portfolio was in
my e-mail when I got home Saturday night. It's dated July 15th, 2010 and
is as of June 30th, 2010.
It covers various periods from 1 month on the left to 36
months on the right, as indicated in the column header's.
You will note that Cash has a negative balance, please
ignore that figure, it's incorrect to the degree that it is not all
inclusive. On the way down the first column you will note Barclay's 7 year
municipal bond index, don't pay any attention to that since we don't own any
muni's. Also, you will note near the bottom "Real Estate," we own some
REIT type investments amounting to $481K. Equity includes some Preferred
Stocks which during the period pulled the market yields down---the S&P 500
includes no preferred's. Last, is the last line "Total Directed"---they
direct nothing in the portfolio.
You will note at the very bottom left "Account Inception,"
the fact is our custodial account opened with Shawmut Bank in 1980, shortly
after I became Treasurer. Prior to that, the small amount of securities we
had (almost all US Treasury securities, with a few common stocks) resided in a
safe deposit box at a Bank near Headquarters under the name of John
Huntoon, the previous Treasurer and General Manager of the League prior to Dick
As I've said before about these performance data reports
they are not highly accurate which does not make them useless because they do
provide some overall indications of the direction of the portfolios movement and
market yield.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to
contact me by whatever means you wish to use.
I am now headed out to do some work on my 1/4 wave 80
meter vertical and 160 Inverted L that was totally crunched by a 90 foot pine
that got hit by 82 MPH winds which is very unusual for us---but that's what I
get for living near the ocean and in a valley at 30' above sea
For now 73 and have a great day,
Jim K1LU