Hi Kermit,
Is there also any consideration as to what class of license and
amateur experience the candidates hold? In the Foundation one concern
we had was that applicants are just getting tech licenses to apply for
scholarships. I would imagine that some would find that if they were
being rejected for CEO they would just pass the (easy) tech exam and
get a license and apply.
In my opinion, at minimum we'd want a General, if not Advanced or
Extra for the CEO spot. My reasoning is that the person permanently at
the helm should be "a ham's ham" and someone who can speak to members
authoritatively on amateur radio issues. Yes, techs are "real hams"
too but someone truly invested to be CEO of the national IARU society
and international secretariat, in my opinion has to be at the top of
the licensing pole.
Ria, N2RJ
On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 12:00, Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv
arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:
> Greetings;
> Please find attached the PDF file of a Memorandum from the
> ARRL CEO Search Committee regarding applicants who do not
> hold an amateur radio license. This Memorandum is a private
> communication to the members of the ARRL Board which contains
> confidential information. The Memo must not be distributed or
> posted publicly.
> If you have any questions please contact me directly.
> Thank You,
> 73, Kermit Carlson W9XA
> Chair, ARRL CEO Search Committee
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