So, Google renames a 176 year old technology - in current world-wide use - and claims it as their invention? Priceless.

Check out:

Note Google's tag line in the video:    A classic technology. Reinvented.

Currently, attempts to download the app results in the message:
    Oops! Gmail Tap is a bit too popular right now. We suggest you try downloading it again on April 2nd.

I have received multiple email messages from Hams providing the link sent by Brian. The overload probably comes from Hams and other radio operators.

If GMail Tap catches on, a whole lot of people are going to learn Morse Code. We use it to communicate by audio - the Gmail Tap learners will be reading it. Would it be fair to call Gmail Tap a modification of Morse's paper tape? Or a reinvention of Cooke & Wheatstone's printing telegraph?

Interface this app with a radio (Bluetooth) and you could send CW with a smart phone.

Now, the magic questions:

        Did the ARRL have any idea this app was in development?

        Why didn't we think of it first?

        How can we use it to advance AR?



       John Robert Stratton       

                 West Gulf Division

                      Vice Director

                West Gulf Division

             Legislative Action Chair

       Office telephone:    512-445-6262
       Cell:                         512-426-2028
                      PO Box 2232
            Austin, Texas 78768-2232


On 4/1/12 9:51 AM, James F. Boehner MD wrote:

Yep, and just received the following non-decoded message on my gmail account:


.-  .--.  .-.  ..  .-..    ..-.  ---  ---  .-..


It’s about time!




'73 de JIM N2ZZ

ARRL Vice Director

Roanoke Division

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™


From: [] On Behalf Of Brian Mileshosky
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:27 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:20668] Google Tap and Ham Radio


Google is revolutionizing something near and dear to ham radio operators’ hearts.  Check this out:


It’s initial release is being offered for a limited time, so snag it while you can if interested.



Brian N5ZGT

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