Vol. 42, No. 8
March 3, 2017
Covers the period February 18 – February 24, 2017
Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events
ARRL Executive Committee Meeting
March 25, 2017 @ Denver, CO
Administrative & Finance Committee Meeting
March 26, 2017
@ Denver, CO
Hamvention 2017
May 19 – 21, 2017 @ Xenia, OH
Chief Executive Office
Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF
Planning has begun for the July 2017 Board Meeting, which will be held at the Marriott Farmington for the first time in a very long time. (A
newly hired banquet manager at the Marriott Windsor was not aware that the 3rd weekend in July “belonged” to the ARRL and contracted another event for those dates.) The Windsor management was extremely apologetic, and helped facilitate initial communication
with Marriott Farmington. We are currently negotiating the contract with Farmington to stay as close to the Windsor rates as possible. So far, they have been very accommodating. We expect a successful event as usual.
Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD
Development is pleased to announce two new Maxim Society Members: Joe Dubeck, NA9A, from the Central Division, and Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM, from the New England Division.
Education Services
Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Teacher Registration |
Instructor Registration |
Graduation Kit Requests |
License Class Listings |
2 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
Debra made contributions to the ARISS annual report, and the quarterly report to SCaN. We updated ARISS metrics for reporting to CASIS and SCaN.
ARISS Contacts:
Education & Technology Program
Debra published the
Winter issue of Radio Waves, our e-newsletter for instructors and teachers.
Field Services
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization
Dan Ringer, K8WV, has been appointed the West Virginia Section Manager starting on March 1, after Section Manager Phillip Groves, N8SFO, (SM since July 2015)
announced his resignation for personal reasons. Dan, who lives in Morgantown, will serve the remainder of the current term of office which ends on September 30. Dave Patton made the appointment in consultation with Director Jim Boehner.
Four balloted Section Manager elections during this winter season concluded on Tuesday, February 21, when election ballots were counted and verified by Field Services
staff members Leona Adams, Gail Iannone, Regina Galuppi, Dave Patton and Steve Ewald.
The following elected Section Managers will begin their terms of office on April 1. In Arizona, Rick Paquette, W7RAP, of Tucson, was elected in a three-way race
with Steven Wood, W1SR, and Virgil Silhanek, K7VZ. Robert Spencer, KE8DM, of Yuma, the out-going Arizona SM, decided not to run for another term of office. Robert had been Section Manager since 2013.
In North Texas, Jay Urish, W5GM, of Lowry Crossing, was elected Section Manager in his race versus Brent Boydston, KF5THB. Jay returns to the position after previously
serving as the North Texas SM from 2009 to 2011. He will succeed Nancy McCain, K5NLM, of Fort Worth, who has been the Section Manager in North Texas for the past two years but decided not to run for another term of office.
Steve Morgan, W4NHO, was elected as the Kentucky Section Manager in his race against incumbent Section Manager Alan Morgan, KY1O. Steve, of Owensboro, has previously
served as Kentucky Section Manager from 1991 to 1997. Alan has been SM for the last two years.
In Iowa, incumbent Section Manager Bob McCaffrey, K0CY, was re-elected in his race versus Paul Cowley, KB7VML. Bob will be starting his third term of office.
James Ferguson, N5LKE, of Searcy, will become the Section Manager of Arkansas on April 1.
He was the only person nominated to run for the position when Dale Temple, W5RXU, of North Little Rock, decided not to run for another term office. Temple
is completing his third consecutive term (six years) as Section Manager.
The following incumbent Section Managers, who did not face opposition during the nomination period, will begin new terms office on April 1: Malcolm
Keown, W5XX (Mississippi); George Forsyth, AA7GS (Montana); Carl Gardenias, WU6D (Orange); Jack Mitchell, N7MJ (Wyoming).
In the previous week, Joe Carcia installed the new Icon IC-7300 HF/6m transceiver in the broadcast racks. He ran a spectral purity test on the new transceiver,
as well as frequency measuring tests (center frequency adjustments) to all the broadcast transceivers. In addition, he also updated the web code practice files and their archives. Last week, Joe worked the early afternoon/night shifts on Tuesday through Friday
for the vacationing Scott Gee. He also created the texts for the March W1AW Qualifying Runs.
Reported by Bob Allison, WB1GCM
Product Review
Bob Allison is currently testing Temperature Controlled Master Oscillators for QST Product Review. Two transceivers were selected and tested as “stock”. Bob then
tested three TCXOs in each; one that has the same name brand of the transceiver, and two “generic” brands, which cost 15 % of the price of the name brand. Bob also tested a single band RF amplifier.
Mike Gruber responded to numerous TIS telephone calls and emails.
Mike was contacted by an Associated Press reporter regarding grow lights in Maine, concerning interference they cause. The story was published.
Mike worked on writing new material for the 2018 Handbook. All work was forwarded to Ward Silver.
Mike compiled a list of three complainants that were having interference issues from solar PV systems made by the same manufacturer. Mike then sent the CEO of
that company a letter asking for help in resolving these issues.
Zack Lau handled a large volume of emails and telephone calls from members who had technical questions.
Extracurricular Activities
Gruber has had the great honor to be trustee of W1MGY for many years. During that time, Mike ran special events for the RMS Titanic in April, primarily at the Titanic Museum in Indian Orchard, MA. Barry Hutchinson, KB1TLR has now taken over as trustee “MGY.”
The National Park Service has agreed to host the Titanic Event, which will take place at the Cape Cod National Seashore, specifically the Salt Pond Visitor’s Center in Eastham. Mike believes that this new location will provide great publicity for Amateur
Allison picked up a dilapidated Heathkit DX-100 transmitter. Despite its appearance, it works. Bob will be restoring it, after hours. Come by the Lab and see this 100 pound, 125 Watt AM/CW transmitter from 1955.
Membership Manager
Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF
February ended with 162,802 members – 155 members ahead of year-to-date goal. Responses to the February membership mailing are starting to come in, the next mailing is set to mail March 17. Multiple targeted and untargeted e-mails to lapsed and never-members
brought in 314 members this month. The on-time renewal rate for February is 69.73% vs. 68.99% last February.
Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time |
2 Weeks |
Logbook Processing Time |
1 – 2 Business Days |
2017 DXCC Applications |
1,836 |
2017 WAS Applications |
267 |
2017 VUCC Applications |
60 |
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Yvette Vinci prepared a reminder emailing to members with a summary of “What’s Trending” in March
QST. The notification was sent to 118,475 members on Wednesday, February 22.
Yvette reports that she completed a handful of tasks supporting Life Membership administration, including an order for 12 personalized plaques for
newly elected Life Members. She is also working with our international mailer to investigate a small number of complaints about non delivery of
QST among international members.
Jackie Ferreira produced a handful of email solicitations promoting publications and products. Products featured included
The ARRL Instructor’s Manual, 2016 Periodicals DVD, Antenna Physics, and bundled publication offerings featuring antenna, operating, and technical titles. Promotions throughout the President’s Day holiday yielded good results.
Bob Inderbitzen participated in a business plan meeting, and publications meeting. Jackie and Yvette helped prepare information contributed at these
Bob exchanged information with Section Manager John Bigley, to support John with materials for ARRL’s exhibit at the National Association of Broadcasters
show in April.
Bob prepared information for Board members, Section Managers, and staff supporting ARRL’s exhibits and activities at Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio, May
19-21. Board members interested in volunteering should complete and submit the following online registration form by March 31: The online registration form will help us organize room reservations, badges, apparel and staffing for the event.
ARRL has received payment of $6,975
for commissions earned on new and renewal subscriptions of RFinder made during the
fourth quarter, 2016.
Total commissions earned for 2016 were
$23,532. ARRL established an agreement with RFinder, creator of a web and app-based directory of Amateur Radio repeaters, in February
2016 to be our preferred online resource of repeater frequencies.
Secretary/Regulatory Affairs
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
In the past several weeks the Regulatory Affairs / Assistant Secretary Office has been busy on numerous fronts. Working with the Elections and Ethics Committee of the Board we are continuing
the process for the special election for the Southwestern Division Vice-Director’s office, which is vacant due to no candidates last fall. Three candidates have been cleared by the E&E Committee and we will have balloting this spring. The ballots will be
counted at ARRL HQ on Friday May 19th. Thanks to Purchasing, Production and IT staff for their efforts with this extra election cycle work.
We continue to work with Vice-President Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, Field Services Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, and Field Services Supervisor Steve Ewald, WV1X,
on the project to update the Official Observer program. Bi-weekly teleconferences are being held to advance the project, and the Regulatory Affairs Manager is spearheading the re-write of the Amateur Auxiliary training guide.
As secretary to the Programs and Services Committee, we participated in their teleconference of February 23, then prepared and circulated minutes. We are also working with Public Relations
Manager Sean Kutzxo, KX9X, and General Counsel Imlay, on updating a chapter of the PR101 training course.
We have been working with an OO in NY on a repeater interference claim. The alleged offender has now set up his one transmitter on the output frequency of the coordinated club repeater and
is claiming the club is violating the Part 97 rules by interfering with his ongoing transmissions. We will be in touch with Laura Smith at the FCC so she is aware of what has taken place so far.
Several times weekly we do a dedicated search for new legislation that has been introduced into the various state legislatures – with 48 of the 50 in session through the end of February.
Well over 1500 pieces of legislation have been reviewed. The vast majority do not affect Amateur Radio, but are returned as a “hit” in the initial screening because of several key words. After a quick review of the content, those bills can be removed from
future searches. When we tag a bill to track, every time some action is taken by the legislature related to it, we receive an email notification. Once we “suppress” a bill, it is removed from our search, which makes the LexisNexis StateNet tool very useful
for initial triage on state legislation. It does not track any level of ordinances lower that a state legislature level, which is why SGLs and LGLs are very important “eyes and ears” in Amateur Radio’s efforts to monitor the regulatory activity that could
impact us.
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
Leona Adams 03/31 PTO
“ 04/07 PTO
Bob Allison 04/07 – 04/10 PTO
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Margie Bourgoin 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Steve Capodicasa 03/06 PTO
“ 03/13 PTO
Joe Carcia 03/17 PTO
“ 03/21 PTO
“ 03/24 PTO
“ 03/31 PTO
“ 04/05 – 04/13 PTO
“ 05/26 PTO
“ 07/05 – 07/07 PTO
“ 07/14 PTO
“ 07/21 PTO
“ 07/28 PTO
“ 08/04 PTO
“ 08/07 – 08/11 PTO
“ 08/18 PTO
“ 08/25 PTO
“ 10/09 PTO
Lauren Clarke 03/06 – 03/10 PTO
“ 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Michael Corey 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Steve Ewald 03/10 – 03/11 Nebraska State Convention, Lincoln, NB
Jon Faasen 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Norm Fusaro 03/14 Frankford Radio Club Meeting, PA
03/15 – 03/17 PTO
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Tom Gallagher 03/02 – 03/03 Orlando Meetings
“ 03/24 – 03/27 Executive Committee and Administrative and Finance
Committee Meetings, Denver, CO
“ 03/31 PTO
“ 04/18 Penn Fund Executive Board Meeting, NYC
“ 04/21 – 04/23 Delaware State Convention, Georgetown, DE
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
“ 06/01 – 06-04 SEA-PAC, Seaside, OR
Regina Galuppi 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Perry Green TBD Medical Leave
Mike Gruber 04/19 IEEE EMC Society, Batavia, IL
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Dan Henderson 03/14 PTO
“ 03/24 – 03/27 Executive Committee and Administrative and Finance
Committee Meetings, Denver, CO
“ 04/13 – 04/22 Presentation at Mt Airy VHF Society’s annual ARRL
Night and PTO
Bob Inderbitzen 03/23 – 03/26 Texas State Convention, Houston, TX
“ 03/30 – 04/03
Nevada State Convention, Las Vegas, NV
“ 04/14 – 04/15 Roanoke Division Convention, Raleigh, NC
“ 05/17 – 05/22 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Sabrina Jackson
05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Debra Johnson 03/29 – 04/03 NSTA national conference, Los Angeles, CA
Sean Kutzko
03/06 Fairfield Radio Club presentation, Fairfield, CT
“ 03/09 – 03/12 PTO
05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Kimberly McNeill 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Dave Patton 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Carla Pereira 03/08 PTO
Michael Scharr
05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Becky Schoenfeld 04/10 – 04/13 PTO
05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Barry Shelley 03/03 PTO
03/24 – 03/27 Executive Committee and Administrative and Finance
Committee Meetings, Denver, CO
“ 03/28 Risk Strategies, Chicago, IL
Yvette Vinci 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Sincerely Compiled by,
Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO