I am voting No, on the motion to consider
a meeting away from ARRL HQ in January.
The allure of a warmer climate is
tempting, but as noted by Bill Edgar there is likely an additional cost that should
More importantly, I am voting no because the
PSC to a greater extent than either the EC or A&F is dependent upon in
person reports from Department Managers and senior staffers who are not
employed officers who would normally attend Board Meetings away from Newington.
It will be particularly important for PSC this year with the new Emergency
Services Manager just on board, the activity in VEC and the expanding role of
Educational Services. Moving the meeting away would deprive us of full access
to all or nearly all of those voices.
Since I probably come from the coldest of
the Divisions I would logically be one to support a meeting in a warmer
setting. Frankly, I don’t see much benefit in a southern meeting since we
are essentially indoors meeting from Thursday until Saturday.
Thanks for hearing me out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Harrison
To: arrl-od
Subject: 2008 Annual Meeting
Interest has been expressed by some of the Directors in
holding the 2008 Annual Meeting somewhere other than the
No site has been identified as yet, however in order to
begin the process we need to know if the board desires to select a location
other than the
“Moved, that staff is instructed to investigate an
alternate location for the 2008 Annual Meeting.”
If this motion is passed, staff will investigate our options
in a few select cities and a final motion will be submitted to you for that
specific location. If this motion fails, it will be concluded there is no
interest in moving the January 2008 meeting and we will proceed with
arrangements in the
Please indicate your vote on the above motion. If you have
any questions, please ask.
73 Joel W5ZN