In a couple of weeks is the Pacific NW DX Virtual Convention, an ARRL sanctioned event. At the event will be an ARRL Contest Forum, so in attendance will be myself, Bill, AC0W, (as the CAC Liaison), the NW Division CAC Rep, Jim, KI7Y, and Bart, W9JJ from HQ. (Representing HQ Radiosport). Honorary VP Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF will also be at the virtual convention, but not in any official ARRL capacity, or a part of the forum. 
There will be a bunch of different door prizes for attendees during the event, such as DX Engineering and HRO gift certificates, power supplies, antennas, etc. (No Elecraft K4s) :-( 
This is a free event, and none of of us are being reimbursed or paid to be there. (there are no costs.)

The organizer is raising a question as to whether or not any of the above are eligible for door prizes. My first blush says NO, at least for me as the Division Director, and probably YES for Fenstermaker, as he is in no official ARRL capacity in the event, but what about the others?  