Hi All: It seems that it was not that long ago that we debated and fought, yes fought, over the CW issue when we worked on the license restructuring. Amazing how quickly those of you who wanted cw killed or whacked last time have jumped on this again. So, when can I bring Scarborough Reef back up for a vote? Be that as it may, I'll tell ya, 5 wpm doesn't mean squat to somebody who cares enough to get a license. Get off that notion. FOLKS, IT JUST AIN'T THAT DIFFICULT TO GET A HAM LICENSE! Come on! As far as you Directors telling me what your Division wants, that's fine I guess, but I'm more concerned about my own. I don't send ya'll all the correspondence or input from my Division, so are we going to play that game now to help prove a point? We have not been doing that in the past. I am disappointed that we have jumped on this like a duck on a june bug. It concerns me greatly as to our decision and analysis process, especially with Board meeting just next week. Hey, don't we have an R & R Committee working on strategy and things that might be along this line? Tnx. 73, Rick - K5UR