Agree. Good point, Greg. Communications is so important, especially with us antsy DXers.
-----Original Message-----
From: G Widin <>
To: jfenster <>
Cc: k5ur <>; cliff.ahrens <>; dale.wms1 <>; arrl-odv <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 5, 2013 12:05 pm
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:21393] Re: LoTW
From a user standpoint, I think the problem is not that the processing isn't instantaneous, the problem is that once you "upload" a log, you have no idea whether it is securely in the queue or not. When processing
is virtually instantaneous, that feedback isn't needed. Once there is a lag time, users need to know that their uploaded material has been received and that they needn't upload a "safety" copy. I'm presuming that the folks working on updating the UI on LotW are well aware of this, but perhaps someone can confirm this.
It's important to note that an acknowledgement of receipt involves absolutely
no processing, other than confirming receipt was successful at the time of uploading. The acknowledgement should make that clear--no Qs have been checked, just that the file has been successfully received and will be put in the queue.
In that regard, and in that regard only, I do think it is fair for LotW users to expect "instantaneous" feedback.
Greg, K0GW
On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM,
<> wrote:
Yes, but we NEED everything NOW. Let's just call DXCC Entities on the Land
Line (or cell system) and have them fax a confirmation so we can say we
"talked" to all entities.
I got my bureau cards yesterday and opening the envelope was as exciting
(well maybe - I have UH8 and UI8 confirmed)as back in the 60's.
But, we need so serve our members and insure that this recent tool does
provice almost instant confirmations.
Jim K9JF
> For those of us who used to wait for months and years for QSL cards, LotW
> is wonderful, even with 11 day delays! But our electronic world has
> raised our expectations to “instant” service!
> You got it, Cliff. I remind folks of that all the time. I remember how we
> waited for those rare Russian cards coming via the bureau, hoping that UH8
> and UI8 cards were in the pile. (hi) Opening a bureau shipment became a
> ceremony!
> 73,
> K5UR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cliff Ahrens <>
> To: 'G Widin' <>; dale.wms1 <>
> Cc: arrl-odv <>
> Sent: Sat, Jan 5, 2013 10:56 am
> Subject: [arrl-odv:21392] Re: LoTW
> Before the Logbook Queue Status page started reporting zero queue size,
> the 12:56 UTC report today showed an approximate 25% drop in the bytes in
> the queue from the previous hour. If accurate, that could be great news
> about reducing the backlog.
> I uploaded my monthly LoTW TQ8 file (with no dupes) earlier this morning,
> and it has not been processed, so I suspect the zero queue size reporting
> is in error. It would be interesting to know if the routine maintenance
> yesterday included putting the new SSD drives online, or whether they are
> still in testing and configuration.
> For those of us who used to wait for months and years for QSL cards, LotW
> is wonderful, even with 11 day delays! But our electronic world has
> raised our expectations to “instant” service!
> Cliff K0CA
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of G Widin
> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 10:42 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [arrl-odv:21391] Re: LoTW
> Comes up OK when I log in, although I also observed zeroes in the Queue
> table.
> 73,
> Greg, K0GW
> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Dale Williams <>
> wrote:
> Does anyone know if part of LOTW has crashed? The Queue reads all
> zeros.
> 73,
> Dale WA8EFK
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James E. Fenstermaker K9JF
Director, Northwestern Division
American Radio Relay League
(206) 930-9372