_______________________________________________Yesterday I received OD28239 Re: [ODjr] Metrics and Engagement. That OD message referenced a message from a different Director on a mailing list I had never heard back fl namely, ODjr@lists.kkn.net.
The traffic on the OD reflector provided for discussion by ARRL Officers and all Directors has been remarkably light since the new Board took office in January. The lack of discussion has been a concern a was raised at the recent EC meeting.
A major topic in the last election cycle, and a concern by some Board members, including some then VD’s, was that the entire board was not privy to information and the appropriate level of transparency to which Board members and their ARRL members were entitled.
It now appears there is a separate reflector (ODjr@lists.kkn.net) being used by a subset of the Directors in place of the OD reflector. Use of such a private listserv for what appears to be a self-selected group of Directors would be wholly inconsistent with the call for more transparency and the concept of the board acting for the benefit of all ARRL members after full and fair discussion.
We are less than a month from the July Board Meeting. In the five plus months since the new board staked out a new direction for governance, legislative actions and transparency there has been precious little information provided through OD and ODV as to how these initiatives are progressing. Though full reports will be provided in Board reports, but some interim updates would be beneficial and would allow for a better informed an prepared Board.
In the spirit of transparency and to permit all Directors the opportunity to fully engage their members in the short time before the July Board Meeting, the Directors (and any others) who are on ODjr@list.kkn.net should provide all Officers and Directors, as well as Vice Directors if appropriate, with all of the postings to ODjr@lists.kkn.net.
In the further spirit the of transparency and to better provide a feeling of trust, understanding and cooperation among the ARRL Board, the members of ODjr@lists.kkn.net should identify themselves and articulate the reason for using an “offlne” reflector rather than the OD or ODV reflector that ARRL boards have used for decades to share information and discuss issues.
Jay, K0QB
Sent from my iPad
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