On March 23, 2020 at 11:52 AM "Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO)" <bshelley@arrl.org> wrote:
_______________________________________________Good afternoon:
We will be posting the following news item to the web site in a little while. This will be the first of what I envision to be periodic (don’t ask me what specific period of time to which that refers) updates on HQ operations. As I said earlier, decisions are being made based on the information we have currently and the powers that be seem to change that information daily. We’re making the best decisions we can with the information we have.
ARRL Headquarters to Close ARRL Headquarters will comply with an executive order from Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont that all non-essential businesses and not-for-profit entities reduce in-person workforces by 100% not later than March 23, 2020, at 8 PM. ARRL will equip as many Headquarters staffers as possible to work remotely. W1AW bulletin and code practice transmissions will continue. Customer service representatives will be available to take calls, although response times could be longer than usual. Operations at the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) will also continue, and the best way to receive a timely response is via email, as call volume has been heavy. The ARRL publication schedule will remain unchanged. The ARRL warehouse will be working with a reduced staff, so orders will be delayed, and ARRL will not be able to respond to expedited shipping orders. ARRL Headquarters will remain open until 5 PM on March 23, as managers and staff prepare for the shutdown. ARRL will keep members posted on this situation.
I plan to have Steve Ewald post this to the SM reflector as well.
Not for public consumption: The printer of QST and other titles has told us that their business is considered essential in those states in which they operate so they will be proceeding forward with business as usual. I fully expect we will keep our publication schedules and produce the magazines on time while the Publications Team is working remotely. I expect responses from the ARRL VEC to be slower than usual because of volume but that should abate fairly quickly as many, many sessions are being cancelled. The volume is likely to reverse as various areas of the country lift the restrictions currently placed on the size of public gatherings. We have posted a short message to the LoTW Groups IO. In addition, the LoTW certification process new and renewals will be impacted by the remote working conditions so these will be delayed but not indefinitely.
As I’ve noted, I will keep the Board apprised appropriately as we move through the next several weeks. I expect operations to be a little rough as everyone adjusts to the remote working situation but we should fall into a comfortable pattern in fairly short order.
I will try and respond to any questions you might have.
Patience and Flexibility.
Barry, N1VXY
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