Vol. 41, No. 3
January 27, 2016 — Covers the period January 10-23.
Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events
Executive Committee
March 12 @ 8:30am in Westlake, TX
Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY
The March 2016 issue of QST has been uploaded to the printer.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Yvette Vinci reports that on Wednesday, January 20, a reminder emailing was sent to members with a summary of “What’s trending” in February QST—taking advantage of some early analytics shared by Alli Barbieri.  The notification was sent to 123,364 members.
Kim McNeill has been working with Sue Fagan and a handful of vendors to commit orders for our 2016 ARRL Field Day merchandise: t-shirts, pins, mugs, stickers, etc.  The product line becomes available in early March.
A handful of activities were completed to support the upcoming ARRL National Convention, which is hosted by Orlando HamCation, February 12-14.  Materials and display items were shipped by our warehouse to Orlando to support our booths and exhibits.  The banquet program has been finalized, and Margie Bourgoin is assembling a list of banquet attendees requiring transportation to and from the event. A 2-page summary of our convention activities will be distributed during the convention.  Team shirts and badges were mailed/delivered to all participating members of the Board, Section Managers, and staff. Room confirmation numbers were sent to each person staying in our hotel block.
Diane Petrilli reports that the second membership campaign for 2016 will mail on February 12.  A New Year’s themed membership e-mail sent last week brought in 50 members.
Now shipping: Antenna Physics: An Introduction, by Robert J. Zavrel, Jr, W7SX.
Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group, reported by Yvette Vinci:
Week Ending Calls Answered Calls Per Hour Total Talking Duration Average Speed of Answer
1/22/2016 931 20.6 29:45:14 8 seconds
1/15/2016 1014 22.5 31:14:01 9 seconds
1/8/2016 997 22.1 32:00:15 11 seconds
12/31/2015 1028 28.5 37:03:19 13 seconds
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa:
Week Ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums
1/22/2016 1,067 387
1/15/2016 1,185 802
1/8/2016 1,165 625
12/31/2015 1,522 1,112
Field Services & Radiosport
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 3 Weeks
Logbook Processing Time 1 Week
*Please note: We have just finished processing 2015 applications.
Number of Centennial applications processed:
Centennial Challenge QSO 2826
W1AW/WAS 2007
On Tuesday, Joe Carcia met with Pete Chamalian, W1RM, to discuss the W1AW Qualifying Run program.  Pete is a member of CWOps (  Their discussion centered on how CWOps can assist the Qualifying Run program in an effort to further promote the award and CW in general.
Joe also completed work on the ARISS Go-Kit Az/El rotator, boom, and its tripod.  His attention now turns to the Cushcraft Satellite antenna (A148-20) and marking all the elements for ease of assembly.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Thanks to the Mailroom staff, the Controller’s Department, and the Field Services and Radiosport Department, among others, for conducting a second mailing (by First Class Mail this time) of the Section Manager election ballots to members in Pacific Section on January 14.  ARRL Headquarters discovered early last week that the original mailing of the ongoing Pacific Section Manager election ballots (sent out in late December) was not done using First Class Mail as required by Minute 35 of the 2008 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors.  Pacific Section members and Virginia Section and San Diego Section Members have until Friday, February 19, to return their ballots to Headquarters.  Ballot counting is scheduled for February 23.
Cecil Higgins, ACØHA, of Pittsburg, Missouri, has been appointed the ARRL Missouri Section Manager.  Dave Patton made the appointment after Dale Bagley, KØKY, of Macon, announced his resignation because of family commitments.  Dale served as the Missouri Section Manager for 16 and a half years.  Dave reviewed Dale’s recommendation of Cecil Higgins, and consulted with Midwest Division Director Rod Blocksome, KØDAS, before making the announcement on January 11.  Cecil’s appointment as Missouri Section Manager will complete the current term of office that continues for rest of this year until December 31, 2016.
Over the last couple of weeks, Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Monitoring Coordinator, and he forwarded the monthly Official Observer Summary to all Official Observers, Official Observer Coordinators, and Section Managers.
Two radio amateurs from Georgia, and one each from Indiana, Minnesota, and New York City/Long Island successfully completed requirements to become Official Observers so far this New Year.  Complaints were received regarding operation on 7200 kHz.  The Wisconsin OOC is working with OOs regarding interference on a local repeater.  Information was received from a Colorado radio amateur that reported users of a local 2-meter repeater are not properly identifying, and they appear to be using self-assigned call signs.  This report was forwarded to the FCC.  Further information was received regarding unlicensed hunters using 2 meters in Northern Florida.  Our Intruder Watch monitors were alerted and asked to check out a steady carrier heard on 7050 kHz.
Questions were received regarding CEPT operation in the United States, MURS and GMRS radios and antenna zoning.  Chuck forwarded the International Humanitarian Award nominations onto the Programs and Services Committee for their consideration.  Chuck also conducted one morning code practice run at W1AW.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff               2/15                    Holiday
Bob Allison             2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Margie Bourgoin 2/10-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Lauren Clarke           2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Mike Corey              2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Norm Fusaro             2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Mike Gruber             2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Gail Iannone            2/10-2/16               PTO
Bob Inderbitzen 2/10-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Debra Johnson           2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Lisa Kustosik           2/10-2/16               National Convention, Orlando, FL/PTO
Sean Kutzko             2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Kim McNeill             2/10-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Diane Petrilli          1/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Dave Sumner             2/11-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL
Yvette Vinci            2/10-2/14               National Convention, Orlando, FL