If you try to follow the second link embedded in the form letter, delete the last two letters “or” before doing so – they are not part of the URL but form the next word in the sentence.




From: K8JE [mailto:K8JE@ARRL.org]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 11:44 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:17600] Army MARS letter to Michigan Amateurs


FYI, there has been quite q bit of communication from Army MARS officials in Michigan to Michigan amateurs.  I’ve pasted a copy of the most recent boilerplate recruiting letter.  Although I could pick at the “we invented it” terminology,” I have no problem with MARS trying to recruit more hams into the ranks.


Has there been similar effort elsewhere in the country?  I assume AFMARS and NAVMARCORPSMARS also remain active.  Are they doing anything along this line?


I have a couple of earlier pieces of broadcast e-mail as well as letters to Michigan SM Dale Williams, WA8EFK, if anyone wishes to see them.













Please forward this to all members. They may cut and paste this into their favorite program for editing and printing. This now includes the new General class requirement.




Dear (name and callsign of the person you are sending this to)


I am (your name and amateur call sign). I am a neighbor of yours. I am also a member of the Michigan Army Military Affiliate Radio System also known as Army MARS.


I am contacting you to invite you to join with me to assist in supporting our nation's homeland security and volunteer disaster support communication needs.


The Michigan Army MARS program is open to holders of the general class amateur radio operator licenses. Michigan MARS will be providing training to upgrade those members and potential members to the amateur General class license.


We use radio frequencies outside of the normal

amateur bands to provide emergency communications for the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Safety Administration and many

other governmental organizations and agencies.

We do not replace RACES/ARES in any way.

In fact, many of our members are also members of the RACES/ARES organizations and even members of the ARRL sponsored National Traffic System. We are the providers of long distance communications of choice for nearly all governmental organizations.


We offer the opportunity to use and experiment with the many new modes such as MT-63, OLIVIA and PACTOR as well as the more traditional SSB

and, yes, even CW modes. In fact, we maintain an automated PACTOR system that reaches from Qutar to Guam while spanning the entire United States.

All this on government HF and VHF frequencies not available to amateurs who are not members of MARS.


The modifications to your existing equipment are very minimal in most cases. Technical help will be provided as will the training necessary for you to operate and be every bit the professional that is the hallmark of a MARS member.


Information on the Michigan Army MARS program and an application form can be found at http://www.miarmymars.com or http://www.netcom.army.mil/mars/or you 

may contact me directly to discuss this unique and rewarding aspect of amateur radio.


I look forward to talking to you and working with you on the MARS frequencies.


Sincerely and 73,


(your signature)

(your typed name)

(your amateur callsign)

(optional phone number)

(optional email address)





Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director

ARRL Great Lakes Division

5065 Bethany Rd.

Mason, OH 45040

E-mail:  k8je@arrl.org, Tel.: 513-459-0142

ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is!

Members - The Reason ARRL Is!