To All,
HR 4006 was just introduced yesterday via ARRL bulletin:
ARLB011 Legislation to Remove Private Land Use Restrictions on Amateur Radio Introduced in Congress
I haven’t heard any talk or time course as to how we plan to support the bill as well as when or how to approach our elected representatives as of yet. However, I’m happy to
say that I have a new SM in my home state of SC who is very proactive, and he is ready to mobilize our section.
His email below asks us when he can inform the SC section of our elected representatives and get the ball rolling.
I have asked him to hold until we have a time course identified. However, the chart he produced should be on the wall of every ARRL member’s ham shack in SC, regardless of this
individual bill.
‘73 de Jim N2ZZ
Director – Roanoke Division
Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia
ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio
Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division
SC District |
Representative |
Counties Represented
Website |
Phone Numbers |
SC-01 |
Nancy Mace
Beaufort |
Berkeley |
Charleston |
Colleton |
Dorchester |
Jasper |
202-225-3176 |
843-521-2530 |
843-352-7572 |
SC-02 |
Joe Wilson |
Aiken |
Barnwell |
Lexington |
Orangeburg |
Richland |
202-225-2452 |
803-642-6416 |
803-939-0041 |
SC-03 |
Jeff Duncan |
Abbeville |
Anderson |
Edgefield |
Greenville |
Greenwood |
Laurens |
202-225-5301 |
864-224-7401 |
864-681-1028 |
McCormick |
Newberry |
Oconee |
Pickens |
Saluda |
SC-04 |
Willaim Timmons |
Greenville |
Spartanburg |
202-225-6030 |
864-241-0175 |
SC-05 |
Ralph Norman |
Cherokee |
Chester |
Fairfield |
Kershaw |
Lancaster |
Lee |
202-225-5501 |
803-327-1114 |
Spartanburg |
Sumter |
Union |
York |
SC-06 |
Jim Clyburn |
Allendale |
Bamberg |
Calhoun |
Charleston |
Colleton |
Dorchester |
202-225-3315 |
803-799-1100 |
843-355-1211 |
Florence |
Hampton |
Jasper |
Orangeburg |
Richland |
Sumter |
Williamsburg |
803-854-4700 |
803-883-5020 |
SC-07 |
Russell Fry |
Chesterfield |
Darlington |
Dillon |
Florence |
Georgetown |
Horry |
202-225-9895 |
843-353-5377 |
843-6880 |
Marion |
Marlboro |
SC US Senators |
website |
Phone Numbers |
Senator Tim Scott |
202-224-6121 |
803-771-6112 |
842-727-4525 |
864-233-5366 |
Senator Linsey Graham |
202-224-5972 |
864-250-1417 |
803-933-0112 |
843-669-1505 |
843-849-3887 |
803-366-2828 |
864-646-4090 |
John P Gendron, NJ4Z
ARRL Section Manager, South Carolina
ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio
Facebook (ARRLSC)