Vol. 34, No. 27
July 6, 2011 -- Covers the period June 26-July 2.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Administration & Finance Committee
July 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Programs & Services Committee
July 14 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Annual Board Meeting
July 15-16, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The report to the ARRL Board of Directors was prepared for the July 15-16 meeting.
The Education & Technology mail campaign finally hit the street. The goal for this mailing is $65,000.
The report from Albuquerque on the Teachers Institute there was mailed to the current and former donors. To date donors have contributed $80,000 to support this professional development initiative.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has reached $151,119 or 43% of the 2011 goal.
The Diamond Club has reached $171,558 or 61% of the 2011 goal.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
We reviewed printer’s proofs for the 2010 DXCC Yearbook.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for June 30, 2011.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
June ended with 156,797 members—a gain of 172 members over May. 74% of June 2011 expirees paid on time (vs. 75% last June). For the first 6 months, membership is up 322 members--196 members ahead of goal. Direct mail and targeted e-mail solicitations continue to be the greatest contributing factors to membership growth.
Membership acquisition among new licensees is strong. 21.39% of new hams licensed in March joined ARRL within 4 months (March - June).
Several targeted emails contributed 473 new members during the month, a new record—just exceeding the 469 members recruited by email in December.
June product sales were $242,765, exceeding the sales forecast of $237,058. Direct sales were $146,894; dealer sales were $95,871. This was a strong second quarter—with sales exceeding the forecast goal by $23,412.
The warehouse crew fulfilled 868 packages for publication and product orders, 538 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch Credits Applications
2010 Carryover 156,929 1,155
2011 Received 500,937 4,465
Cumulative Total 657,866 5,620
2011 Processed 539,529 4,602
Remaining 118,337 1,018
Processing Time 8 Weeks
Logbook of the World
June 2011 % Change
Jan – June 2011
QSO Records Entered Into System 351,970,150 9%
QSL Record Matches 41,999,960 13%
Logs Processed 2,227,830 18%
Active Certificates 63,289 9%
Registered Users in System 42,122 10%
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries June 2011
Maintenance 798
Initial Setup Inquiries 986
Award Related Concerns 378
Customer Usage Issues 535
Phone Calls 196
Total 2,893
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams reports that incumbent Section Manager Rob Griffin, K6YR, has been nominated to run for a new term of office as Santa Barbara’s Section Manager for the next term of office that starts in January 2012. Bill Kauffman, W5YEJ, has been nominated to run for New Mexico Section Manager for the next term also starting in January. Thanks to the Mailroom Staff, the Georgia and Western Washington Section Manager election ballots were sent to members in these respective sections last week and before the July 1 mailing deadline.
Steve Ewald worked on and turned in the September QST Public Service column to our Production Department. Many Section Managers and Section Leaders have been reporting on successful and fun tours of their respective sections during Field Day weekend in order to visit as many Field Day camps as the time and schedules would allow.
Chuck Skolaut helped address a number of questions this past week including the use of FRS radios in a foreign country, identifying a remote station, selling equipment to a foreign amateur, operating overseas and the ROS mode. Several complaints of CB stations causing interference to the ham bands were received. A beacon on 30 meters is being checked, and OOCs in South Carolina and Georgia are investigating reports of interference to local repeaters. Chuck was also a tour guide around headquarters, conducted morning code practice, and assisted visitors who operated W1AW.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
Leona Adams 7/22 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 8/18-8/23 Vacation
Joe Carcia 7/1-7/8 Vacation
`` 7/15 Vacation
`` 7/22 Vacation
`` 7/29 Vacation
`` 8/5-8/12 Vacation
`` 8/19 Vacation
Steve Ford 8/8-8/12 Vacation
`` 8/18-8/25 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV/Vacation
Mike Gruber 7/11-7/15 Vacation
`` 8/20-8/27 Vacation
Joel Hallas 8/10-8/16 Vacation
Ed Hare 8/5-8/7 Midwest Division Convention, Cedar Rapids, IA
Dan Henderson 7/5-7/8 Vacation
`` 7/15-7/16 BOD Meeting, Windsor, CT
`` 8/5-8/7 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Taos, NM
Mary Hobart 7/14-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT
Amy Hurtado 7/8 Vacation
`` 7/15 Vacation
Gail Iannone 6/24-? Sick Leave
Bob Inderbitzen 7/25-7/29 Vacation
`` 8/8-8/12 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 7/7-7/8 Vacation
Harold Kramer 7/14-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT
Lisa Kustosik 7/14-7/16 BOD Meeting, Windsor, CT
Bill Moore 8/20-8/21 Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL
Dave Patton 7/22-7/25 W0DXCC, Leavenworth, KS/Vacation
`` 8/25-8/28 JARL Ham Fair, Tokyo, Japan
Diane Petrilli 7/8 Vacation
`` 7/22 Vacation
`` 7/29 Vacation
`` 8/5-8/12 Vacation
`` 8/26-9/2 Vacation
Allen Pitts 7/20-7/22 Vacation
`` 7/28-7/29 Vacation
Brennan Price 7/13-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT
`` 8/5-8/6 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX
John Proctor 6/22-7/8 Vacation
Chuck Skolaut 8/20-8/22 Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS
Dave Sumner 7/14-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT