I appreciate this information. I have no problem with it, but did not want to make any incorrect statements if asked. 73, Wade W0EJ W5JBP@aol.com wrote:
I want to make sure that everyone is clear on Riley's travel.
I issued an invitation for Riley to address the board on Thursday night. That travel was paid by the League. If we invite him to OUR national, again we pay for it. We have picked up expenses for a number of people that has been officially invited to a board meeting. Last year it was Bill Cross. The meeting in Dallas when we had the president of the FMRE, he paid his airline, we picked up the hotel. The same with the president of RAC. This is customary and they extend the same courtesy to us when we visit their meetings.
As to Riley's travel to other conventions, the convention picks up the tab, not us.
Jim Haynie, W5JBP