Greetings from
Your ARRL Delegation to the triennial Conference of IARU
Region II all arrived safely in
The conference is being held at the Naoum Plaza Hotel in
The conference began this morning with a call to order and
an opening welcome address by IARU Region II President Rod Stafford, W6ROD. Rod
expressed his appreciation for the effort Region II has made in maturing the
relationship we have with CITEL, the communications arm of the Organization of
American States. Rod also noted his concern that no society took advantage of
Region II’s offer from the last conference of $25,000 to assist a Society
in promoting Amateur Radio in their country. He expressed his desire for member
societies to work to resolve differences in countries that have a competing national
Amateur Radio organization that cannot belong to IARU (because only one society
in a country may be the IARU society) but have a much better relationship with
the government there. President Stafford emphasized that our mission is to be inclusive,
not exclusive in the pursuit to promote Amateur Radio throughout the region.
Following Rod was conference host Gustavo Franco, PT2ADM who
welcomed the attendees and then introduced the President of LABRE (the
Brazilian Amateur Radio Society) Roberto Batista Pereira, PT7YV who welcomed
the group to
Ronaldo Sardenberg, the Director of ANATEL (the Brazilian
FCC) spoke to the plenary next. Mr. Sardenberg stated that Amateur Radio is
much more than a “pass time” activity primarily due to its public
service through emergency communications. Mr. Sardenberg identified the recent
earthquake in
Joao Cordero, ITU Regional Administrator, followed Mr.
Sardenberg. The ITU has a vary small number of regional administrators around
the world in order to provide a local relationship with ITU since it is located
After lunch, the chairperson and secretary for each
committee were selected as follows:
A (Administrative)
– Norma Leiva, HR2NL
– Jon Silverling, WB3ERA
B & C (HF & VHF/UHF)
– Ramon Santoyo, XE1KK
– Paul Rinaldo, W4RI
Note – Committee B and C are
usually two separate committees, however there are very few papers submitted to
the conference regarding VHF/UHF matters so the two were combined.
Committee D (Finance)
– Noel Donawa, 9Y4NED
members: Lorne Libbe XE1V and Jose Carlos, YV5GJC
– the bylaws call for two members to be elected from the plenary to this
Committee E (Election) –
Comprised of three elected members from the Plenary
Harrison, W5ZN, Chair
Quieroz, PT2FR
Leiva, HR2NL
Committee F (Credentials) Comprised
of three elected members from the Plenary
Smith, VE6NM, Chair
Leandro, YV5AMH
Donawa, 9Y4NED
This committee verifies that a
society is a valid member of IARU Region II and eligible to participate in the
conference as a voting member (each eligible society has one vote, regardless
of the number of attending delegates.)
Any registered delegate may participate in Committee A, B, C
or D. As ARRL’s Principal Delegate, I have appointed our team as follows:
Committee A – Dave Sumner,
B –
C – Frank Butler, W4RH
D – Joel Harrison, W5ZN
Committees met for approximately 1 hour this afternoon to
review their agenda and will begin work tomorrow.
Societies represented are:
& Tobago
Also attending as observers are IARU Vice President Tim
Elam, VE6SH, and IARU Region I President Ole Garpstadt, LA2RR.
Tonight we will attend a reception hosted by LABRE at our
There is an Amateur Radio station set up here at the hotel
that will be on the air. I do not know if we will have time to operate, but if
you hear ZW2IARU on the air, please give a call.
73 Joel W5ZN