Sorry--the links in my last email are to news releases covering the Order and FNPRM, not the actual Order and FNPRM. The links directly below is the actual decision of the Commission.
Brennan T. Price, N4QX
Chief Technology Officer
American Radio Relay League
PO Box 3470
Oakton VA 22124-9470
Tel +1 860 594-0247
From: arrl-odv [] on behalf of Price, Brennan, N4QX
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 14:52
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:25472] Spectrum Frontiers order and FNPRM
The FCC just released the actual order from yesterday's 5G wireless broadband "Spectrum Frontiers" rulemaking. The Commission declined to consider the 47 GHz amateur band. I am reading the order to see if they said anything about why they aren't.
Brennan T. Price, N4QX
Chief Technology Officer
American Radio Relay League
PO Box 3470
Oakton VA 22124-9470
Tel +1 860 594-0247