I have read this over. The only possibly controversial parts that
I have spotted are:
Club station trustees are limited to being trustee for one club.
Present trustees are grandfathered. (New 97.17(d)).
The R&O says (paragraph 30) that clubs are limited to one
vanity call sign, with existing holders grandfathered. However, as I read the
rules as adopted, the FCC is assuming that a club can only name one person as a
club station trustee. There appears to be a loophole that will permit a club to
apply for multiple vanity call signs if they appoint multiple trustees. (Note
to Chris Imlay: Chris, am I reading new 97.19(a) correctly? It looks badly
worded to me.)
Unrelated to vanity call signs, the FCC chose to use this
proceeding to delete the rule pertaining to RACES stations – which makes
sense since there are no longer any RACES station licenses, but which probably
will set off a flurry of comment that “the FCC has killed RACES.”
None of our proposals to expand the pools of available call
signs were adopted, nor was our proposal to limit vanity call signs to U.S.
Dave K1ZZ
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 11:49 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:19506] Vanity call sign Report and Order
I haven’t read this