11 NOV 2006 - 1800 CST After reading all the input on this topic - particularly what Joel Harrison, Kay Craigie, and Bill Edgar have said - the nature of this issue tells me I would not submit to a credit or a life style check required by the Red Cross and performed by their apparently inept civilian contractor. As for a criminal background check, it would have to be performed by competent police authority such as the FBI or better. I have already been asked by one ARRL member what I think about this Red Cross requirement. I advised that person that the requirement is the fall-out from data theft by at least one Red Cross employee and misuse of funds by other employees. Therefore, I would not submit to any type of check by the Red Cross as specified above. For liability reasons, I understand we cannot publish a strong warning that spells out the reasons for such a warning. However, we surely can modify our MOU to clarify the status of ARES personnel providing emergency communications services on behalf of the Red Cross and to put into place ironclad background investigation requirements that do not allow blanket acceptance of credit and life style checks. - Dick, W9GIG