
Earlier today you should have received directions for how to register for tonight’s conference via GoToWebinar.

The reason for using GoToWebinar is that there is a limit of 29 on the number of simultaneous connections our conference bridge can support. However, because we had some technical difficulty with GoToWebinar when we used it for a Special Board Meeting last May I have arranged for the conference bridge to be available as a backup. Note that we will ONLY use the conference bridge if we can’t get everyone into the Webinar.

Again, the following is ONLY for backup. See you in 7-1/2 hours.


Dave K1ZZ

 has invited you to an Audio-only conference.

Starting Time: Mar 2, 2015 at 9:00 PM US/Eastern
Duration: 2 hours

To join the conference:
  a. Dial +1-800-532-0363, +1-860-594-0400 or +1205 and enter access code 0188069, then press #

Click either link below to add this meeting to your calendar: