

I want to wish you and all of the candidates the best of luck in the coming months during our 2007 Director/Vice Director election period.


Respectfully, though, I must tell you that your post is not appropriate for ODV for any Officer, Director or Vice Director. ODV provides an avenue for you to use at League expense that is not available to others, and is for the purpose of facilitating ARRL related business, but not activities on behalf of a candidate for the office of Director or Vice Director.


Please call me if you have any questions.


73 Joel W5ZN

ARRL President




From: Brian Mileshosky []
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:22 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:15884] Division election mailings, ideas


Ladies and Gentlemen --


I don’t believe there’s any problem with sending this type of email to ODV in terms of appropriateness, as I’m not campaigning for any votes here.  My sincere apologies in advance if I’m wrong.


As you all know, I will be seeking election to Rocky Mountain Division’s director this fall since Rev is hanging up the gloves after all these years.  My opposition will be tough, as he is a well-known section manager of Colorado – a section that has nearly 50% of the members in my division.  Hence my challenge.


I’ve been reading candidate statements on the ODV side of the web, and am picking up lots of ideas there.  What I am interested in – for those of you who’ve done it before – are ideas for mailings to the membership.  I need to do this. If you sent a mailing to your members, can you please contact me OFF-LIST and tell me what you did?  If you have it in electronic form, I’d love to see what worked for you.


The main challenge I need to overcome is chipping away at the Colorado base, somehow.  There are no more hamfests in Colorado that I can attend, and I’ve consulted a few active hams who told me that there’s really no dominant clubs in Colorado that’d provide a bunch of members at any given club meeting.  So I’m thinking that a darn good mailing, candidate statement and perhaps a website is all I really have to go off of, along with perhaps a letter of candidacy to Colorado (and other) clubs for posting on their websites or newsletter (if they wish).


I’m open for ideas, as I dearly want to be seated at the front row this January.  Your clever and effective ideas would be appreciated (again, please send off-list and not to ODV).


Thank you and 73,

Brian N5ZGT

ARRL Vice-Director, Rocky Mountain Division