We are all so proud of you here in
Thank You Very Much Joel!
73 ES Go Hogs Go!
David A. Norris, K5UZ
Vice Director, Delta Div.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Harrison
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009
2:54 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: W5ZN Retirement
A few moments ago I advised the
Executive Committee, at the close of our meeting, that I will retire from the
ARRL Board at the end of my current term as President which is at the
conclusion of the 2010 Annual Meeting in January.
One assumes the natural progression
of life includes getting your kids out of college and established
professionally and then move to the next stage of caring for aging
parents. Kim and I completed "Phase 1" in 2007 with our kids and then
looked toward the next with my parents. Both were in good health at the time so
there were no situations requiring immediate attention. Of course, as most of
you know, that all changed just after Christmas, 2007 and by March
10, 2008, just a few days beyond two short months later, both had passed
away. While sad in its own right, this presented a number of opportunities for
me and Kim. With no specific time commitments related to family now and both of
us personally, professionally, physically and financially in great shape and at
a relatively young age we have a desire to further reduce our current
commitments to pursue some things we have really wanted to do for years and now
have the opportunity to do so. In addition, I have the opportunity
to perform some expanded professional consulting that I very much
want to pursue.
With over 27 years of
elected volunteer service to ARRL beginning in 1983, 5 years as a
Section Manager, 8 years as a Director, 4 as Vice President, 6 as
First Vice President and 4 as President, I have given many, many hours of
volunteer time to an organization I love dearly. I have absolutely no regrets
and the journey was never about me, but about ensuring the existence of the
Amateur Radio Service through the only organization that has it's general
good at heart.
During the past four years we
have been able to accomplish some great things. In 2006 when you elected me
President we had two very important petitions pending at FCC, and both had
been pending for a very, very long time with no action whatsoever. 04-140 and
05-235 were vital to the growth of amateur radio. We were able to jawbone the
FCC and bring action on these two dockets and as a result we moved
forward and have grown. Our membership was in decline and we reversed that, we
have worked to redesign, update and modernize ARRLWeb and have maintained a
financially sound organization. 40 meters remains a 300 KHz wide amateur band
in ITU Region 2 and now the entire world enjoys a 200 KHz primary allocation to
the Amateur Radio Service. We had a serious challenge to our HF spectrum in the
form of harmful interference from BPL systems. We proved to be technically
superior and right in our position, so much so the United States Court of Appeals
sided with us and against the FCC, something rarely seen because the FCC is
viewed as the "expert" in communication & spectrum matters. We
proved they internally let politics bully sound engineering. There are many
things I will never forget about serving on the ARRL Board and as President.
One of them will be the day that Dave Sumner, Chris Imlay, Paul Rinaldo and I
met in Dave's office to discuss taking FCC to court over BPL. We debated the
matter for well over an hour, knew it would be very costly, knew our
chance was slim for a victory but most important we knew we were right and
we unanimously agreed we must do so. We presented the matter to you
and you agreed as well. The rest is history!
Directors and Vice
Directors come and go, President's and Officers come and go, but the ARRL
has remained strong because of our organizational structure and everyone's
desire to make us better and move forward. As I said previously and you have
heard me say many times, it is not about me and frankly it is not about
you, either. It is about ARRL & Amateur Radio. Please keep that foremost in
your mind and most importantly, in your heart.
I look forward to working with you
over the next few months leading up to our 2010 Annual Meeting and as you
select the next Officer's. Do so wisely! Remember, once again, it is not
about you, it is about ARRL.
I will always be available to assist
the ARRL Board in any way I can. You just simply have to ask. I will continue
to see you at amateur radio events and most importantly I will continue to see
you on the air! Please call W5ZN anytime you hear us on.
73, GL es DX,
Joel W5ZN
ARRL President