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A total of 106 repeaters in California and 15 repeaters in Massachusetts operating on the 70 cm band have been identified by the Air Force as causing harmful interference to these systems. We have requested as complete information as possible from the two coordinating groups (precise location, antenna heights and types, power levels, HAAT, frequencies, etc) so that the ARRL Lab can do calculations to determine actual potential interference and see if these might be means to mitigate the problem with some repeaters, possibly allowing them to remain on the air. The California data was received on Thursday and sent to the lab. As part of this inquiry we have found that there are potentially more 70 cm repeaters in the affected areas in California that the Air Force has not noted or targeted (in one known case) a second repeater on a different output frequency is physically housed in the same location as one of the repeaters on the list (and whose antenna is only 45 feet from the one targeted). There are also several repeaters on the California list that are not in the NARCC database (which would mean they are uncoordinated). A few queries continue to trickle in related to the ex parte petition error. A query was received from representatives of the Director of the Office of Polar Programs regarding activity from the US stations in Antarctica during the International Polar Year (2007-2008) and having stations from two to the US bases (South Pole and Palmer) active during the 2007 Field Day event. There continues to be numerous requests for Field Day information and materials. A special thank you goes to the outgoing Mail Room for once again handling requests for the full Field Day packets. And a special thank you is in order for Roseanne Lawrence in the Education Department for handling orders for display kits for information tables at Field Day sites. Production/Editorial The May/June issue of NCJ has been released to the printer. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 14, distributed to 65,564 members on April 5 one day early because of the holiday weekend. Thats up by about 150 from the previous weeks circulation. Rick prepared/edited news items on the fifth civilian space traveler, Charles Simonyi, KE7KDP, who is accompanying the next ISS crew into space; the downside of 60-meter DXing, FCC enforcement, Titanic 95th anniversary special events, and several news briefs and announcements. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for April 6 one day early. Sales and Marketing March product sales were $280,260; exceeding plan by $51,900. The overage is associated with the ongoing surge of license material sales following restructuring, and the earlier-than-predicted delivery of the 2007/2008 ARRL Repeater Directory (planned for April). The Business Services team supported substantial sales from publication dealers in March, just pushing past ARRL direct sales. At the end of this first quarter, product sales had exceeded plan by $147,000. The Customer Service Rewards Program achieved a milestone of 1,010 memberships this week, since beginning the program in mid-July 2006. During phone calls received for publication orders and membership renewals, customers are invited to extend their membership for multiple years or to join as a first-time member. A free book incentive is offered, such as the ARRL Periodicals CD-ROM or Repeater Directory. Mailing data for June QST will be pulled on Friday, April 13. The Customer Service team has already noticed a decrease in publication order delivery inquiries via phone, following the implementation of automated package tracking information. In addition to the usual order-confirmation email following an online order, members/customers receive a email message with package tracking detail following shipping. Thanks go to Jon Bloom and John Proctor for helping implement this improvement. The Spring/Summer publications catalog will go to press this week and should be available by the end of the month. The North Mountain Road warehouse crew shipped 621 packages for orders processed during the 4-day holiday week. In addition, there were 427 free book membership premiums shipped, and QST supplements for March and April issues. Membership & Volunteer Programs Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system126,325,460QSL records have resulted 8,274,083Logs Processed354,176Active Certificates23,667Users registered in the system15,635Hybrids Pending Mail244 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 5 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 127 pounds of cards were received from members. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona has been updating the Field Service Database with new appointments, changes, and cancellations. She has also generated the new Field Organization Appointment Report and is in the process of getting the reports to the SMs via email. She has also been working with the two new SMs that began their new terms as of April 1st, Roberto Jimenez, KP4AC for the Puerto Rico section and Jim Brooks, KY4Z, they are all set with supplies, section news, email, etc. Chuck Skolaut compiled a summary of intruder reports from the three ITU regions for the upcoming IARU meeting. Intruder reports of Over The Horizon Radars being observed on 20 and 40 meters as well as a voice intruder on 7007 were received. Other problems included Spanish speaking stations not properly identifying on an Oakland repeater and unidentified jamming and obscene language used on 20 meters. A call was received from a member concerned about the hoax message supposedly sent on April 1st stating that amateur radio was becoming secondary to BPL Steve Ewald attended the Amateur Radio Session at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans on April 3 along with other ARRL Section and Field Leaders. Education Services With tremendous support from Rose-Anne Lawrence, Debra Johnson has been reviewing programs and responsibilities inherited from the former F&ES department as well as PR and education materials being distributed. A quick tour of the website reveals a massive amount of disconnected and outdated pages inherited by Ed Services. Contents that need to be refreshed are being targeted. We are getting acquainted with administrative issues related to support for on-line courses serviced by CT DLC. We are developing an organizational plan for coordination of the production of the Technician video course. Rose-Anne continues to support PR efforts by assembling and mailing exhibit kits and other PR materials and is getting more involved in developing instructor relationships through her phone contacts. Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program Logistic coordination continues for the Teachers Institute. Hotel reservations have been made and the participants have been tasked to explore travel arrangements. ARISS National television reported on the Australian ARISS QSO, last week, for the St. Michaels Primary School. Rosalie was asked to be a Subject Matter Expert by the NASA HQ Education Office, and worked on a review/report of ARISS for the NASA Education Portfolio Alignment Review. Web/Software Development Hugh Brower turned over our new credit-card processing software to Micah Murray for integration into the new membership application form, which Micah will continue to work on when he returns from vacation on 4/16. Meanwhile, Hugh is working on a stand-alone implementation of the credit-card system that we can plug into the various other places on the site where we collect credit-card submissions. Hugh is adding some Section Managers as users of the ARES database system so they can begin testing it. Jon Bloom continues Logbook work. This week, he successfully imported a snapshot of the Logbook database (all 180+ GB of it!) into the new server. The server software was also recompiled to run on the new server and database system. Testing of the recompiled software is ongoing, and everything looks to be on track to put the new server into operation by the end of April. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 5/28 Holiday Leona Adams 4/18-4/20 Vacation John Bloom 4/16-4/20 Vacation LouAnn Campanello 4/16-4/20 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 5/7-5/11 Vacation Joe Carcia 5/25 Vacation `` 6/28-7/6 Vacation Steve Ford 4/16-4/18 Vacation Scott Gee 4/20 Vacation `` 5/17-5/18 Vacation Mike Gruber 4/23-4/27 Vacation `` 6/4-6/8 Vacation Joel Hallas 4/10 Vacation Ed Hare 5/2-5/3 Vacation `` 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention `` 5/21-5/22 National Spectrum Managers Association, Arlington, VA `` 7/8-7/13 EMC Society Symposium Committee Meeting, Honolulu, HI Dan Henderson 5/3-5/7 South Carolina Section Convention, Spartanburg, SC `` 5/17-5/20 Dayton Hamvention `` 8/16-8/27 ARRL National Convention, Huntsville, AL/Vacation Mary Hobart 4/16 Citizen Corps event, Washington DC. `` 4/19-4/20 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 4/16-4/20 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 4/10pm-4/13 Personal Zak Lau 6/21-6/22 Vacation Micah Murray 4/9-4/13 Vacation Allen Pitts 4/23-4/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 4/11-4/23 IARU Reg.1 EC Meeting, Cavtat, Croatia/IRTS 75th, Cork, Ireland Mike Tracy 5/23-5/30 Vacation Janice Wytas 4/9-4/13 Vacation "(*HRSTUkl þÿÅÆlmnÀÁØçìíôõSTT[úòëäëÙëäëäëÎòÉÁ¶®¶®¶®¶®¶£|n|h;#hÁ76CJ]aJh;#hÁ76CJaJh;#hÁ7CJaJhÁ7hÁ75hÁ7CJaJhÁ7hïQCJaJhiOäCJaJhiOähiOäCJaJhiOähiOä5 hiOä5hiOähuCJaJhu5CJ\aJhBjŸ5\hu5\huCJaJ hu5+ !"STUlm lmnÀÁö÷ø æç÷òòòòòòòòòòíííèèèèèèèèèèèèègdÁ7gdiOägdu$a$gduð-ý[^`š©ÊÙö÷ø JL12pqÆÇåæç)*\]np¢£"$õéõáõÓõáȺ³§§§§§§§§§È§§§§§§§§È§§#hÁ7hÁ76B*CJ]aJphhÁ7hÁ7B*CJaJphhÁ7B*CJaJphhÁ7hÁ7hÁ7hÁ75B*\phhÁ7hÁ7CJaJh;#hÁ76CJ]aJhÁ7CJaJh;#hÁ7CJH*aJh;#hÁ7CJaJ4çÀÁopãäÈÉÊêë$0úúúúúúúúúúúñìçÞÞ $Ifgd]Úgd]Úgdu 7$8$H$gdïQgdÁ7¿ÀÁðñLMVWtvÂÃñò+,nopâãä ?@MNSUÇÊê몰ÌÍØ"ðåÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðåÙðåÙðÙðÙðÙðÙðÈðåÞ§§h]Úh]ÚCJ\]aJh]Úh]ÚB*CJaJphh]Úh]ÚCJaJ h]Úh]Ú56CJ\]aJh]ÚhœvlCJaJ hïQ5 hÁ7hÁ76B*CJaJphhÁ7B*CJaJphhÁ7hÁ7CJaJhÁ7hÁ7B*CJaJph001LVWfn© J Vkd¡$$IfÖ0šÐšÿÿÿÿ(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö l4Öaölyt]Ú $Ifgd]ÚVkd$$IfÖ0šÐš(ÿÿÿÿö6ööÖÿÿÖÿÿÿÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ2Ö2Ö 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