New Section Manager Appointed in Eastern Washington
Jack Tiley, AD7FO, of Spokane Valley, has been appointed as the new ARRL Eastern Washington Section Manager starting January 1, 2019. Tiley will
fulfill the unexpired term of office that Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, is vacating because he was recently elected as Vice Director of the ARRL Northwestern Division. Tharp, of Yakima, has served as the Eastern Washington Section Manager since October of 2003, and
he will begin his term of office as Vice Director in January 2019.
ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, appointed Tiley after consulting with Tharp and Northwestern Division Director Jim Pace,
K7CEX, who is retiring from this position at the end of the year.
Tiley, an Extra Class licensee, is currently serving as an Assistant Section Manager and Technical Coordinator and Technical Specialist
in Eastern Washington, and he invites readers to visit his web page at His appointment as Section Manager will
be from January 1 through September 30, 2019. The nomination announcement for the next term of office for the Eastern Washington Section Manager position is scheduled to appear in the April 2019 issue of