9 JUN 2014 - 2109 CDT I have been reading and thinking about the proposed gift agreement for renaming the ARRL lab. First of all, I am not opposed to selling or leasing the naming rights to various ARRL facilities in exchange for sufficiently large donations to the ARRL. However, I oppose the recipe developed for the $1,000.000 gift agreement with Paul Sergi, NO8D (DX Engineering) in return for naming rights to the ARRL Laboratory for the following reasons. 1. The basis for this type of donation solicitation (naming rights) is a new ARRL policy that I do not remember approving. I was aware of a naming rights list, but I don't believe it was ever proposed for formal ARRL board approval. 2. I object to having any other business name applied to ARRL facilities. ARRL is not large enough to absorb such naming. ARRL would be accused by some members and advertisers of selling out its good name and reputation. Most of these gifts are made using the donor's name in some manner. 3. As a general principle, the donation should be cash made in one lump sum. However, if a scheduled payment plan for income tax reasons is proposed by the donor, it should not be any longer than three years. The ARRL Board should enact a standing order covering these three issues before any naming rights gift agreement is approved. - Dick Isely, W9GIG