Percentage turnout for Hudson division is incorrect. We had 45% turnout, not 25%. According to the mailing list obtained from the league, we had ~5627 members in the Hudson division during the election cycle.
73 and see you next week.
Ria Jairam, N2RJ
Director, Hudson Division
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio
_______________________________________________Good Evening All,
I am sending this report out a bit late due to some real issues with Outlook, Apple and my ISP.
Please find attached the report of the Ethics and Elections Committee for the 2019 January meeting.
My sincere apologies again; hopefully this email will reach you.
73 ES DX
David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director, Delta Division
Chairman, Ethics and Elections Committee
ARRL The National Association for Amateur RadioTM
arrl-odv mailing list