Good morning, With only a few weeks remaining we are putting the finishing touches on our special reception for major donors here at ARRL Headquarters. We want to be sure that you are included in the festivities. Some of you have already let us know your plans. If not, please let me know if you will join us. We will kick off the weekend-long convention with special donor reception at HQ on Thursday, July 17 from 6 - 9 pm. Here are some details for the reception: * We have arranged for bus transportation from the Downtown Marriott Hotel (the convention hotel) to ARRL Headquarters with two large busses leaving at 5:30pm and 5:45pm and returning at approximately 9 pm. * Parking at ARRL Headquarters is limited so please consider traveling on the busses we have arranged. * It is likely to be a warm evening so we hope you will dress comfortably in summer business casual. * The lawn party will include summer refreshments of hors d'oevres plus wine, beer, iced tea and light desserts. * There will be no formal presentation, but we will open the new Centennial Terrace that recognizes donors to the Second Century Campaign and be able to thank you and our donors. Please let us know if your plans include attending the Donor Reception and if you would like to travel on the buses. Warmest 73, Mary, K1MMH Tel: 860-594-0397 Email: mhobart@arrl.org