Greetings: Below is an update from the Strategic Planning Working Group as of our last meeting held on September 8. Also, attached as a Word Document is a summary of an article from the Harvard Business Review discussing the implementation of a Strategic Plan with the author's take on some myths and realities concerning the process. Thanks to the Board for approving (in Principal) the revised Mission, Vision, and Value Statements that were presented. This action gave the Working Group the consideration that we are on the right track which will result in a recommendation to the Board in January 2016. Since the Board Meeting, the Working Group has had three additional meetings. We have been reviewing the Goals and Initiatives you saw at the meeting. As you recall, these were presented to give those assembles an idea regarding our thoughts up to the meeting. Two additional Goals have been identified bringing the total number to eight. It was understood that these two might be included somewhere within the six previously presented. But, as you can understand, the ARRL's Strategic Plan is both a summary of the future direction of the League as well as a political document that will be analyzed by those reading its text. Given this fact, the two additional goals have been created as their own goals in order to highlight the League's dedication to specifically address problems, issues, challenges and to focus on these programs. Of course, it is the Board's responsibility to review the entire document as proposed, to determine how these are displayed. Additionally, we have reached out to our QST Advertisers to get their impression of the League and how we can strategically move forward to meet mutual needs and business issues. We received 10 comments at this time. We plan to complete the Goals (Strategy) portion of the Plan at the next meeting. These Goals define what we "want to do". Will will also begin to define and brainstorm and consolidate Tactics designed to provide solutions to satisfy the Goals. The Tactics are, in simple, "what we need to do" to accomplish the initiatives attached to the Goals. As of this writing, the Goals include: 1) Support the Growth of Amateur Radio Worldwide 2) Advocate for Meaningful Access to the Radio Spectrum 3) Increase the Vitality of Amateur Radio 4) Encourage discussion and dissemination of technical information relevant to Amateur Radio 5) Organize and Train Volunteers to Support their Communities by providing Public Service and Emergency Communications 6) Ensure the Continued Development of a Strong Association capable of Advancing the ARRL's Mission, vision, and goals - An Association that is responsive to future Opportunities and Challenges. 7) Review and Revise, if necessary, the ARRL Governance Structure to create a more Member-Centric and efficient Leadership Team. 8) Develop and Monitor a long-term Outreach Program to Attract new Communities into the Amateur Radio Service and that will enhance the historical base of recruits. Additionally, we have established a schedule for completion of our analysis and recommendations. September 2015 - Complete the Goals and Define Potential Tactics October 2015 - Finalize and segment Tactics November 2015 - Finalize Recommendations December 2015 - Create the Summary of Recommendations and forward to ODV for review and comments January 2016 - Board discusses and Approves Strategic Plan NMRA Convention During the past week, I attended the Annual Convention of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) held in Portland, OR. During this convention, I was able to discuss their leaders, the organization and learn the how's and Why's of their mission. The NMRA is a membership organization like the ARRL. They have around 18,000 members and an annual budget of just over $2 million. They have similar problems like the ARRL...a greying membership and high perceived cost of the hobby. What really excited me was their approach to education and training. The NMRA has developed a program called EduTrain. They strive to provide a series of education modules covering various aspects of Model Railroading that will be available to members and can be used as programs at club meetings. There are specific guidelines for the modules which are developed by members across the country. I have contact names and numbers for those in leadership positions within the NMRA and will gather additional information during the next few months. Summary: We continue to discuss and wordsmith the Strategic Plan. Please provide comments, concerns, and opinions that the Working Group can consider as we work through the fall. James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372