Linda and I returned from Europe last night after a 2-1/2 week vacation that included some time in Germany with family, several days visiting old friends in Slovenia and Serbia and a week on the Adriatic coast of Croatia. The last time we took such an extensive vacation was 8 years ago. It was nice break.


While obviously not a DXpedition, I brought along a “ham shack in a back pack” and made 600 QSOs as 9A/K1ZZ including with NN1N, K0CA and K5UR. It was nice to have some quality non-contest on-the-air time.


Not having had regular email access since August 21 I’ll be playing catch-up for a few days while also preparing for the IARU Administrative Council meeting and Region 2 Conference in Mexico September 20-28 and the ARRL EC meeting October 5. If there is anything requiring my immediate attention please feel free to flag it for me. Thanks.



Dave K1ZZ