----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 8:02
Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:14437] Re:
Returning Home
thoughts and prayers are with you and your brother during this time.
Who's face is gracing the "HELLO" page, you
ask? Click on the link below to see!
Joyce KA2ANF
Hudson Division Vice Director
Hi Everyone:
I returned home on last night. Thanks to
Karl for getting the word out about my absent and being in
Mississippi with my brother. He was hit in the eye with a nail as it
was being driven into some wood. He glanced the nail and it flew
and hit him broad sided in the eye. The cornea was torn and damaged.
My brother received surgery Sunday evening after the accident.
I will be going back down after Labor Day and I
will advise you all when and how I can be reached if needed. He
will be having surgery again I believe on Wednesday, September 6,
Thanks for all your prayers!
Henry -