Jim -- Maybe the Don Miller Fan Club will relinquish his old call so he can get back on the bands and claw his way back up the Honor Roll listing now that his debt to society has been paid.  73, Rod

At 10:54 PM 9/5/2002 -0400, you wrote:

The following is excerpted from an email from Jim McCook,
W6YA.  This is directed primarily at those on ODV
with long memories.  It's hard to forget what Don Miller
put ARRL and DXers through some 35 years ago.

73.  Jim, W6CF

Jim McCook wrote:

Today I did some checking with the CA prison system.  Sure enough, Don
Miller is out on parole as of July 18, 2002.  They checked by the prison
number assigned to him which I have kept.  He was released under the
jurisdiction of LA County, and is required to make contact during his
parole period.  His original minimum parole date was April, 1997, but it
was denied back then.  His sentence was 25 to life.

Has anyone heard anything more?

73, Jim
