Hello All;

        It is with a great note of sadness that I relate to the odv community
the passing of Elmer "Bud" Frohardt, W9DY of Madison, WI.   Bud's legacy
to the amateur community is the origin of the term "elmer".  
         I know of a score of you hams who are now my age that were given
the benefit of Bud's time and efforts in mentoring young people to become radio
amateurs. In fact, one of my best friends from the 'Lab used to ride his bike for
miles to visit Bud's shack to watch him operate; and like many other young men
went on to have a successful career in both their professional life and their hobby.

                             73, Kermit W9XA


From: mike oconnor <mike_kn9t@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 8:42 PM
To: w9xa@arrl.org
Subject: W9DY SK
My uncle and mentor Elmer "BUD" Frohardt  W9DY, ex W9GFF passed away last night surrounded by his family. Bud will surely be missed and the Amateur radio community has lost a Great Elmer and DXer. 73 Mike KN9T,