I vote Aye.
73/Greg W7OZ now back in the NW Division.
From: Sumner, Dave,
K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
6:14 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:13317]
Resolution for mail vote of the Board
last Saturday's Administration
& Finance Committee meeting there was a
discussion of our doing something to help members in the military who are
deployed to the theater of operations. The subject was first raised by Bernie
Fuller because of the large number of reservists who are being called up and
sent overseas, with considerable disruption to their lives.
conclusion of the discussion was that the A&F Committee decided to ask the
Executive Committee to direct that a mail vote of the Board be taken on a
resolution to continue their memberships for the duration of their deployment
without charging dues. After discussion the Executive Committee unanimously
agreed to offer the following resolution for Board consideration by mail vote
in accordance with Article 6 of the ARRL Articles of Association:
that the Bylaws with regard to dues payment and delivery of QST are temporarily
suspended to the extent necessary to permit the Executive Vice President, upon
request, to maintain membership privileges without charge for the duration of a
member's active military deployment outside the ARRL operating territory, with
or without the delivery of QST at the member's option."
Committee members will note that this is slightly different from, but in the
same spirit as, the Saturday discussion.
objective is to ensure that a member who is put on active duty and deployed
overseas can maintain his or her membership for the duration of the deployment
without paying additional dues. This would not be automatic but would be done
on request. In some cases the member may want QST delivery to be suspended, in
others not. There was discussion of whether to limit this to troops deployed to
a war zone, but the committee felt that in the current environment it is
difficult to define "war zone" and we should err on the side of
flexibility, given that we don't have a huge number of members who stand to be
affected. A&F Commitee members with senior military experience say the best
way to implement this is for a member to send a copy of his or her deployment
orders, as the orders give the expected duration of the deployment.
A&F Committee preferred to have this policy implemented as soon as possible
rather than wait for the January Board Meeting. If it is adopted by mail vote
it would be appropriate for the Board to ratify the decision at the January
behalf of the Executive Committee I offer this for your consideration.
Sumner, K1ZZ