I'll throw in my rambling two watts for the good of the order:  

Where this belongs is in front and center within the ARRL Strategic Plan, which contains the company's core Mission and Vision statements. Here's a quote from the current ARRL Strategic Plan: 

Diversity and Inclusiveness– Amateur Radio is enriched by and enjoyed by individuals from all traditions, heritages, backgrounds, and experiences. Our association will reflect the diverse composition of our community including members, volunteers, and employees.

Think about what it actually says for a second, then read on........

OK, we've said some words, that put together sound like a worthwhile vision. The problem here is the same as the rest of the current ARRL Strategic Plan: There are no tactical plans or metrics as a follow-on for the above statement, which makes this really just "pretty wallpaper."  How are we as an organization going to achieve this vision, and how will we measure our success? If this sounds like a broken record, it's because I said exactly the same thing last January in the Board meeting while discussing the "ARRL Strategic Plan 2.0" motion.

I think we have a lot of work ahead of us both as a Board, and as an organization. I would hope and expect the elite CEO search committee is using this opportunity to ensure all the final candidates presented to the rest of the Board are both forward and strategic thinkers in this regard, and can actually move the ARRL beyond pretty wallpaper and words. 

IMHO, what we CANNOT do is get caught up in the political side of current events. The ARRL needs to remain apolitical and centrist.  

Maybe Barry or Diane can comment on this, but it's interesting to note that I looked on the ARRL website this morning and did not quickly find anything there about the ARRL's policy on anti-discriminatory hiring practices. Maybe it's buried somewhere, but it seems to me that our "anti-discrimination policy" on hiring should be the first thing potential employees see when they log into the ARRL employment opportunities page. Such policies are pretty much mandatory for companies bidding on government contracts, and I'd be shocked if we  actually didn't have one on the website. Did I miss something? (Wouldn't be the first time....)  :-)



On June 6, 2020 at 5:55 PM Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx@gmail.com> wrote:

Personally, I think this is an attempt to gain support for a cause that does not involve the ARRL. 
We have no dog in this fight. I do not think we should be involved in a response for a racial situation. We have never, nor shall we ever be, racially skewed, and to put out a message that we support, or do not support, a specific incident puts us in another class of organization. One geared towards a political front.

In the 31 years I have been a ham, I have NEVER seen a racial twist on anything the league or any ham organization has been involved with. 

I would say we are considering your request, and will take it under advisement. 

As an SM for 15 years I was asked many, many times to support, or not support various things, and you have to put the good of the whole in your mind before making a stand on things. 
I know I made enemies over the years not supporting certain things, and that's OK. At the end of the day, things were better by not being involved. 

But that is only my opinion, and like all things, everyone has one.

Consultation with a PR firm is a good idea, and the outcome of that shared to ODV would be requested. 

Mark, HDX

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 3:04 PM Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv < arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:
Hi all:

Yesterday evening the Officers received the email below. The Officers have been discussing what to do and decided on the following:

1. Forward a copy to ODV to assure that you knew about it. Perhaps some of you have received a similar email already or will receive one in the future.
2. Inform the Board that Barry will engage a PR firm to review and advise on:
A.)  draft response to the individual
B.)  whether we should issue a policy statement to ARRL members and if so what it should say
3. Share the suggestions from the PR firm with the Board so that the Board can decide on any policy action to be taken.

Rick - K5UR

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Broholm < kc3mgf@gmail.com>
To: K5UR@arrl.org
Cc: k1twf@arrl.org; W6RGG@arrl.org; w6rod@arrl.org; n1vxy@arrl.org; K7GM@arrl.org < K7GM@ARRL.ORG>; dmiddleton@arrl.org
Sent: Fri, Jun 5, 2020 7:16 pm
Subject: ATTN: ARRL against racial injustice

Dear Mr. Roderick and officers of the ARRL,  
As you’re aware if you’ve watched the news or participate in social media, there has been a large and appropriate response to the murder of Black Americans by police officers taking place over the last several days. Our society is being traumatized by the systemic, institutional racism that pervades the structures that govern and rule our citizenry. Our Black neighbors live in fear every second of every day that their name will be the next that needs to be remembered. That their son or daughter may be the next Black citizen murdered in the streets by people who swore to protect them.
As leaders, you have a responsibility to Black ARRL members and hams to openly and loudly affirm that they are safe from racism and discrimination within the ARRL. That you vehemently oppose and condemn the actions of the police officer in Minneapolis who murdered George Floyd in cold blood, along with the hundreds who went before him. 
I am writing to you as a fellow ham and member of your organization to request that the ARRL take a stance against racial injustice. Events over the last few weeks have caused me to reflect on what organizations I choose to support and what organizations represent me. It has also made me reflect on the hobby as a whole being a predominately white, male hobby. It is imperative, no, necessary that organizations such as yourselves take a firm stance against racism, against police brutality, against the needless killing of black people in America and to take corrective actions to address these systemic issues. 

Like you, I care deeply for the future of amateur radio and for the ARRL and as such its representative body should be future-facing. I care about, and indeed you should too care about what the ARRL represents. Does it represent the status quo and everything that has brought us to this moment or does it represent the future? We should be working towards a future that empowers black voices and allows them to be heard on the air and off the air. Ask yourself how, for example, a black person interested in amateur radio would feel if the ARRL takes no stance and by its silence tacitly supports the continued genocide of black americans? Saying nothing makes you complicit in the structures of white supremacy, and alienates potential black hams from joining your organization.  I want to see amateur radio thrive, and I want it to be more representative of this diverse and beautiful country. That will not happen unless the problem is recognized and addressed by everyone. I implore you to take the following actions towards being inclusive and anti racist:

  1. Release a statement condemning recent instances of police brutality against Black Americans, and affirm your stance as being an organization that aims to be inclusive of all races. 
  2. Develop a plan to address systemic racism within ARRL’s organizational structure.

Ignoring this is not an option. We do a deep disservice to ourselves by turning a blind eye and pretending that these events aren’t impacting all of us, particularly our Black members and their families.I am asking this of you because I care deeply about amateur radio. We have a responsibility and we must stay true to our values. If the ARRL is truly a great organization to be a part of, we must continue to prove it. Our members deserve this, our culture deserves this. To this end, there are many anti racism educators that make a living by doing this work and it would behoove the ARRL to pay for them to come in and teach on what is happening. I have recommendations and references for these educators.
As a member, I’m ready to help craft a response. Please feel free to contact me. I look forward to being part of the response and reminding ARRL members and hams everywhere that we care about their safety, wellbeing, and right to exist and live free from racism and injustice.
Christopher Broholm

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