I just got an e-mail from Southwest Airlines announcing fares of $99 and less to/from Hartford. But apparently you have to act fast. All the seats from San Jose, CA at the $99 each way fare for July 17 and 20 are already gone. The cheapest I can find now is over $200 each way. The details on the Hartford promotion appear below. Maybe your luck will be better than mine. ================================================================= southwest.com NEWS ON THE FLY ================================================================= We are currently accepting reservations for travel through October 24, 2003. 1. southwest.com(R) Click 'n Save Internet Specials: Travel between select markets for $99 or less one-way with 21-day advance purchase. 2. This week's Featured Destination: Albuquerque, NM Including Air Fare Specials from $29 to $99 one-way with 21-day advance purchase. 3. Security Document Information. 4. Subscriber Information. Find out more about these great deals below or visit: http://www.southwest.com/jp/hotfares2.shtml?src=et052003 ================================================================= 1. southwest.com CLICK 'N SAVE INTERNET SPECIALS ================================================================= *Available only on southwest.com. *21-day advance purchase required. *Fares shown are one-way and do not include federal excise tax of $3.00 for each flight segment. (a segment is defined as a takeoff and landing) *Fares do not include airport-assessed passenger facility charges (PFC) of up to $9 and government-imposed September 11th Security Fee of up to $5 one-way. *Purchase through May 22, 2003, midnight Pacific Time. *Travel June 10 through October 24, 2003, except July 3 and 6, 2003. *Available on published, scheduled service. *Orange County, CA is not included in this sale. <snip> Hartford, CT/Springfield, MA $99 one-way, to/from Albuquerque, NM $67 one-way, to/from Columbus, OH $99 one-way, to/from Detroit, MI $99 one-way, to/from Kansas City, MO $99 one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR $68 one-way, to/from Norfolk, VA/Southern Virginia $99 one-way, to/from Ontario, CA $68 one-way, to/from Raleigh-Durham, NC $99 one-way, to/from Reno/Tahoe, NV $99 one-way, to/from San Antonio, TX $99 one-way, to/from San Jose, CA