Here is a summary of the Board actions during the just-concluded meeting. It's been a while since the list was this long. I know some of you have been delayed in returning home. I hope everyone's travel is safe and without too much disruption. It's still raining here. 73, Dave K1ZZ ARRL Board Actions January 2015 1. Adopted legislative objectives for 114th Congress 2. Amended Articles of Association and Bylaws to clarify Conflict of Interest Policy 3. Bestowed 2014 ARRL George Hart Distinguished Service Award on David B. Colter, WA1ZCN 4. Raised Volunteer Instructor database project from medium to high priority for 2015 5. Ratified 2015-16 Plan as recommended by the Administration & Finance Committee 6. Created Strategic Planning Working Group 7. Added Assistant Section Traffic Manager field appointment 8. Authorized staff to implement guidelines to expand opportunities for field checking of 160 meter QSL cards for DXCC award 9. Amended DXCC rules to permit expanded use of contacts with and from remotely controlled stations for DXCC credit 10. Amended General Rules for ARRL Contests Above 50 MHz to increase participation by permitting more assistance in arranging QSOs, beginning with the June 2015 VHF Contest 11. Expressed deepest gratitude to the Second Century Campaign Committee and donors to the Campaign, which resulted in more than $7.5 million in contributions and pledges 12. Instructed the HF Band Planning Committee, which is about to solicit member comment on proposed changes to the ARRL HF Band Plans, to include the possibility of requesting that the FCC add RTTY and data privileges for Novice and Technician licensees in the 15 meter band 13. Elected retiring Roanoke Division Director Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, as an Honorary Vice President 14. Honored several professional journalists with the ARRL Bill Leonard Award for outstanding coverage of Amateur Radio in video, print, and audio media 15. Elected Executive Committee for 2015 16. Elected ARRL Foundation Directors 17. Filled two vacancies on the CEO Candidate Screening Committee by election Other actions: Roanoke Division Vice Director Dr. Jim Boehner, N2ZZ succeeded Director Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, upon Mr. Bodson’s retirement during the first day of the meeting. The Vice Director vacancy will be filled by appointment. President Kay Craigie, N3KN appointed committee members for 2015. Summary prepared by ARRL CEO and Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ – January 18, 2015