
Your notice reminded me that we formed a committee in January that was tasked with creating a new draft Code of Conduct for consideration at the July BOD meeting.

Is there a draft that we can expect to receive in the next couple of days?

Thanks es 73,

Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT

Pacific Division Director

On June 18, 2018 at 9:11 AM "Henderson, Dan N1ND" <dhenderson@arrl.org> wrote:

As directed by the Secretary, and per the AA/BL, please find attached the formal call for the ARRL Board of Directors Second Meeting and the draft agenda for same.


Also, please find attached 3 motions to amend the AA/BL approved by the Executive Committee in April for consideration by the full Board at the meeting.  These have been previously announced and meet the criteria for consideration under the 2/3’s majority for passage.


Everyone have a safe trip in and see you next month.




Dan Henderson, N1ND

Assistant Secretary – American Radio Relay League, Inc.

Regulatory Information Manager

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio




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