
Vol. 27, No.22

June 2, 2004

Upcoming Meetings

July 15th in Newington, CT at 8:30am

Programs & Services Committee

July 15th in Newington, CT at 8:30am

A & F Committee

July 16-17, 2004 in Windsor, CT

Board Meeting


The 2004 spring Defense Fund campaign has raised more than $161,000 from 2833 donors, providing a healthy average contribution of $56.83.  Returns from the targeted follow up campaign are being received.

The 2004 Education & Technology Fund is nearing mail date.  This year's smaller campaign is focusing on two new initiatives within the framework of the program -- funding the pilot Teachers Institute in August 2004, and funding the production and distribution of less expensive ($350) and popular project lesson kits to more schools.  The revenue from this campaign is projected at $97,800. 

Thanks to ARRL staff for their gracious welcome of Mike Zak, W1MU, during his first visit to ARRL HQ last week.  The visit was productive and conversations will continue through the summer and fall to identify ways that ARRL and Mike can work together to strengthen ARRL.  

Copies of the 2003 Annual Report will be mailed this week to major donors and Legacy Circle members. 

A letter will be mailed to update selected donors whose lifetime giving is approaching the $10,000 benchmark for the Maxim Society. 

With the help of Tom Hogerty, guidelines for the ARRL Foundation grants will be posted on the ARRL website the week of June 7.  The August QST will include an article about ARRLF grants and four new scholarships that will be offered for the first time next fall.

Over the summer Development will work with the Foundation and Tom Hogerty to merge the web pages into an integrated presence that clarifies the roles of both organizations and presents the options for giving to the Amateur Radio family.

Media Relations

The 2003 Annual Report is back from the printer, several days ahead of schedule.  Copies are being mailed out to the Board, and to Derek Riker in Washington.  Copies will be made available to members upon request, and it'll also be available in electronic form on the Web.

Jen completed a fill-in-the-blank press release for Field Day, along with a list of PR tips for Amateur Radio Week (June 20-27) and Field Day.  Both items were posted to the PR pages.  For the past couple of weeks, she has been answering member questions about their Field Day publicity efforts.

Jen did a BPL interview with The Patriot-News (Harrisburg, PA).  The reporter also talked to Jim Haynie, and at least one local ham she suggested as a contact.  The story is set to run on the front page on June 4.

The May issue of Contact! was posted to the PR pages.


The July/August 2004 issue of QEX has been released to the printer.

Rick Lindquist reports that The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 22 (May 28) distributed to 67,125 members.  Rick prepared stories on: FCC extends BPL proceeding reply comment deadline, NTIA hints at Phase 2 study findings, ARISS school group QSO is first for Expedition 9 and astronaut, FCC Amateur Radio Enforcement Letters, Hams assist after tornados, Powell assures Powell and Walden on restructuring, Youth column (A. Hartlage), QRP community (A. Luscre), Amateur Amateur column (G. Hoffman), various news briefs on an ever-expanding variety of ham radio topics--approximately 500,000 in all!  With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for May 28.

Sales & Marketing

Strong online ordering activity continued throughout the week, largely advanced by the Memorial Day holiday promotion that ended on May 31.

In January 2001, ARRL teamed with Barker Specialty Company to provide quality ARRL logo merchandise for hams.  The popularity of these items continues to grow, evident when we see photographs from members wearing the items at hamfests and public service activities.  This past weekend, ARRL and Barker Specialty announced the new, improved ARRL merchandise e-store at  The revised site sports a new look and includes many exciting new products.  Email solicitations sent to members and previous customers generated over 120 orders over the Memorial Day holiday weekend.  As part of a promotion to help launch the new site, customers receive a free gift for qualifying purchases made in June.

Now Shipping:

ARES Magnetic Sign (8 x 18-inches),

RSGB IOTA Directory 40th Anniversary Edition,

Radio Propagation -- Principles & Practice, from RSGB,

Membership Services

Awards Branch

WAS Replacement Cert.                   1      
WAS Ends. (300 QSLs F/C)        6      

5BWAS Plaques                   4      

WAC QSLs Checked                156    

WAC Certs. (162 QSLs F/C)       27     

WAC End. (6 QSLs ES/C)          1      

A1 Op. Noms.            2      

LTMA Inquiries                  3      

LTMA File Card Records          21     

VUCC Certs. Processed           6      

VUCC Initial Apps.              3      

Grids                           212    

VUCC End. Apps.         2      

Grids                           242    

Awards Mailed                   39     

Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.  For the coming week—Basic WAS awards for May, U.S. WAC awards, Extra Class certificates, WAS/90th awards, and mail out the foreign WAC awards. There have been 30 WAS/90th awards issued as of this week.

DXCC Branch

For the week of:

May 30, 2004           
Beginning Cards 66,184 

Cards Received  6,964  

Cards Processed 14,097 

Ending Cards    59,051 

Applications Pending    474    
Processing Time 3 Weeks

Year-to-date (2004)

Cards Received  208,655
Cards Returned  266,089

DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 10, 2004.  DXCC is currently entering cards received on May 17, 2004.  One offshore DXCC card checker was appointed this week for Portugal.

Logbook of the World

QSO records entered into the system     44,164,380     
QSL records have resulted      
Logs Processed 
Active Certificates    
Users registered in the system 

LoTW credits sold:      36,516 
LoTW credits used*:    
LoTW credits not yet used:     
LoTW credit transactions**:    
Average credits/transaction:   
LoTW credit fees:      
Average per-credit fee:
17.8 cents     
Applications submitted:

(53 hybrid)    
Applications finished: 

(4 hybrid)     

* “LoTW credits used” means credits applied to DXCC application QSO records.

** “LoTW credit transaction” means a purchase of payment credits either directly or as part of a DXCC application.

Note: Not all of the LoTW transactions have been sent to DXCC since some are part of hybrid applications (applications that include cards sent in the mail as well as LoTW credits) for which the mail component has not yet been received so DXCC hasn't retrieved the application from LoTW.

Contest Branch

2004 ARRL DX CW checked results were received from the log checker, formatted, and imported into the databases.  The tables were then prepared and sent to the author.  Tables were prepared for the 2004 January VHF SS and sent to the author.  Final editing for the 2003 Ten Meter contest and 2004 RTTY Roundup was finished for QST.  Numerous Field Day questions were handled via email and telephone.

QSL Bureau

There is a delay of 4 days.  This week 108 pounds of cards were received from members.  Approximately 125 pounds of cards are waiting to be processed.  Cards mailed as of 05/30/04: 523,775.  No cards were mailed this week.

Field & Educational Services

Rosalie wrote and sent a message to introduce our newest staff member, Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, to affiliated clubs.  She and Steve prepared an item for SMs about Norm working with the ACCs.  Rosalie was nominated for another term as ARISS secretary-treasurer.  Astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, made his first QSO -- with kids at Erie Planetarium.

Jean Wolfgang developed and submitted four class rosters to CTDLC, our Web host.  She prepared items necessary for graduating 35 students, requested their checks, and printed certificates and ID cards for these students.  Jean began fulfilling requests from 3 students for CEUs.  She attended a two-day class on advanced techniques in using the Access program.

Norm Fusaro drafted a white paper of basics for the new Mentoring Program, which started him on developing his ideas for an action plan and a timeframe for some elements of the program.  To help with this, he reviewed data from surveys and reports.  He sent three messages to 1800 affiliated clubs.  Linda and he wrote one message that introduced clubs to our new recruitment service allowing clubs to get data on new hams and upgrades.  Norm replied to some mentors offering assistance to ARRL, and to some clubs to solicit details on their programs.  He updated some Web pages, and assisted with recognition of Owensboro ARC on its 50-year anniversary.

Gail Iannone sent 6 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director’s approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 2 label requests for upcoming events, and coordinated travel for Dennis Motschenbacher to be the HQ rep at the EWA Section Convention, September 25 in Spokane and for Rick Lindquist to be the HQ rep at the WPA Section Convention, September 12 in Butler.  She sent paperwork for 4 clubs seeking ARRL-affiliation to the Division Directors and SMs for their approval and sent 10 letters to club officials stating the EC’s approval of their clubs as ARRL-affiliated.

Linda Mullally updated records of 40 affiliated clubs, and checked a membership roster for 1 club wishing to be actively affiliated.  She registered 7 Volunteer Instructors.  She handled 1 SSC renewal, 1 label request and 3 club vanity email requests.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Thanks to Jon Bloom we now have the "New Amateur Reports" (New ARRL Members, New Hams, and License Upgrades) online, for those SMs who want to welcome new radio amateurs to their ARRL Section and to introduce them to the ARRL Field Organization.  Many SMs gave very positive feedback about this new Web-based service and resource.

Chuck Skolaut prepared and sent a reminder to SMs, Official Observer Coordinators and Official Observers who might be traveling on the holiday weekend, about the FCC's ongoing request to monitor 10 meters for unlicensed operations and to report these occurrences to HQ.  Chuck also received a letter of thanks from a Houston ham after he received a "Good Op" report from an OO.  The correspondent said he didn't know this type of report existed, and now he'll be even more aware of setting a good example on the air.

Leona Adams received and processed two SM nomination petitions from incumbents Sherri Brower, W4STB (Southern Florida) and Scott Bauer, W2LC (Western New York).  She handled 20 new Field Organization-appointee supply packages including six for Technical Specialists, plus a half-dozen OO test packages to members recommended for this appointment.

Steve Ewald was in touch with Section Leaders of Nebraska and Iowa following severe weather and tornadoes there.  The Nebraska SEC gathered news and information that was funneled to Rick, N1RL, for ARRL's Web News page.  Steve heard from Louisiana SM Mickey Cox who met with his US Representative, Rodney Alexander, about BPL.  South Dakota SM Rich Beebe wrote to his US Senator, Tim Johnson, about BPL, and received a letter in reply (Copies went to Derek Riker).  Steve took part in an ARES-COM telecon.  He sent invitations for the 2004 SM Workshop to 14 folks to ask which weekend of September is best for their schedules.

Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program

Mark Spencer is corresponding with new grant schools about their equipment needs.  He completed preparation for HamCom.  Tragically, one of the Program's lead teachers, K2RME, died in a car accident.  His excellent program was to be an example used by a sister school recently awarded a grant; the schools will be in turmoil for a while.  Mark learned that a Napa Valley school that was ready to turn down their grant is back on track after finding lead teachers.  He is setting up in-service training on wireless technology for teachers at a local high school. 

Regulatory Information

John Hennessee reviewed and updated Chapter 1 of the ARRL Handbook to reflect the changes in the technical rules effective June 1.  He reviewed several club constitutions for groups wanting to become affiliated with ARRL.  He continued updating wording in preparation for the more comprehensive future rules.  He also assisted amateurs with local government antenna zoning problems in Placerville, CA (W6FI) and Hancock County, IN (W9DEW).



        Mark Wilson, K1RO

        Chief Operating Officer


Staff Absentee List

All Staff                               7/5             Holiday

Dave Sumner                     6/18-6/21       NW Division Convention, Seaside, OR

Dennis Motschenbacher           6/4-6/5         Georgia Section Convention

         ``                             6/19-6/20       HamCom, Dallas, TX

         ``                             7/23-7/25       Central States VHF, Toronto, Canada

         ``                             8/20-8/21       NM Division Convention, Albuquerque, NM

          ``                            8/27-8/29       SW Division Convention, Phoenix, AZ

Rick Lindquist                  7/2-7/9         Vacation

Robert Inderbitzen              7/19-7/30       Vacation

Fatima Lorusso                  6/14            Vacation

         ``                             7/6-7/9         Vacation

Janet Rocco                     6/29            Jury duty

      ``                                7/26-7/30       Vacation

Cathy Stepina                   6/3-6/13                Vacation

Zoe Belliveau                   6/21-6/25       Vacation

Joe Carcia                      5/28pm-6/4      Vacation

      ``                                6/9pm           Vacation

Steve Ewald                     5/28-6/4                Vacation

Jon Bloom                       6/14-7/2                Vacation

Jean Wolfgang                   6/4-6/7         Vacation

Chuck Skolaut                   6/11-6/12       Iowa State Convention

Mark Spencer                    6/18-6/20       HamCom, Dallas, TX

         ``                             6/23-7/4                Vacation

Wayne Mills                     6/4             Rochester Convention

                                6/18            Hamcom, Dallas, TX

                                6/23 – 6/28     Convention, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Debra Jahnke                    7/5-7/9         Vacation

Joel Kleinman                   6/15            Vacation

Stu Cohen                       6/4             Vacation

     ``                         6/11-6/14       Vacation

Zack Lau                        6/28-7/2                Vacation

Ed Hare                         6/30-7/14       Convention/Vacation