On Monday ARRL filed another complaint with the FCC re the Ambient test in Briarcliff and the following evening Ed Hare was here on Long Island to talk to engineers at a local IEEE meeting held at BAE Systems in Greenlawn. There were about 75 people in the audience for Ed's talk. Of that group perhaps 20 were hams. The audience was very receptive and Ed did his usual masterful job with a PowerPoint presentation which eventually will find its way to http://www.ieee.li where you can view it. Ed did a good job of making sure the audience understood just what our problems were with BPL interference and how it was also going to impact other services which had not yet become aware of the interference potential. There were some good questions from the audience and Ed stayed to answer questions after the meeting. I would like to give Ed a big pat on the back for the great job he did. After his talk he spent quite a long time talking to two engineers I did not know. Before I left I asked Ed who the two guys were. His reply, " They were Ambient stockholders." By now they may have sold their stock. LIPA (Long Island Power Authority) our local utility is about to select a provider for a small BPL test they want to run in the Hauppague/Commack area in Suffolk County and we are working hard to make sure they make the right decision using personal contacts that four of us have with the LIPA Board members. We also generated 100 plus letters to LIPA board members. At this point the board is listening to us and it appears that we will be able to have some of the LIPA technical staff meet or talk to Ed Hare as they begin their test which will cover some 105 businesses and residential sites. We believe that this is going to be very different from our Briarcliff experience. The local hams are awake and interested. I am in the process of forming a LI BPL Team to run noise tests and to keep the pressure on LIPA. Frank.....N2FF.....