Outcomes of
projects like Radio Arcala are hard to quantify. For example, there are no data
showing how many children go on to become Amateurs because of the SAREX/ARISS
program, so we can't prove it is successful in that regard, but we continue
to support it. I'm not impressed by the prediction of "hordes" of youth
stampeding into ham radio as a result of this or any other project. I stopped
believing in magic wands some time ago. I do think that social networking is a
really good opportunity for outreach.
Radio Arcala
is one of several organizations with which the League might be able develop a
cooperative relationship because their goals match some of our goals. However,
"cooperative relationship" and "give you a pile of our money" are not synonyms.
(N6RC does mention fund-raising towards the end of his letter.) The nature of
the cooperation would have to be worked out carefully and objectively. I doubt
we're in a position to provide an ongoing stream of major money to an
independent organization, no matter how worthy their aims. Talk, however, is
cheap, and so some talk with N6RC might lead to something good for ham
73 - Kay