

It could be worse. 


an internet conspiracy theory that links the spread of the coronavirus to an ultrafast wireless technology known as 5G. Under the false idea, which has gained momentum in Facebook groups, WhatsApp messages and YouTube videos, radio waves sent by 5G technology are causing small changes to people’s bodies that make them succumb to the virus.” 




73, Dave K3ZJ



From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> on behalf of "Richard J. Norton" <richardjnorton@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 5:19 PM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@arrl.org>
Subject: [arrl-odv:28968] Fwd: Lawsuit Opens to Other States/Communities in CA and How You Can Halt 5G Now


The following message is from the woman in my town that I call the anti-smart-electric-meter lady. As the message shows, her group is raising money for its quest to save us from 5G cellphone service.


Remember that they have already been successful in Los Angeles by stopping installation of a first-responder network. They make noise, and our technically savvy politicians listen.


I want to forward the e-mail to the League's RF Safety Committee, and have them comment on whether there is such a thing as "electrohypersensitive people," as discussed in the last reference.


The ARRL's web-site does not appear to be up to date regarding the RF Safety Committee. At least putting RF Safety Committee into the search window brings up old membership.


If this finds its way to someone who can get the question answered, please do so.






Dick Norton, N6AA

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Liz, Peoples Initiative News <mandatoryussmartgridblock@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Lawsuit Opens to Other States/Communities in CA and How You Can Halt 5G Now
To: <richardjnorton@gmail.com>


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To share this email just copy and paste the below link



1) Update on Lawsuit Fund Raising 

2) Lawsuit Open to Other states 

3) Lawsuit Opens to Other Communities in CA

3) How You Can At Least Temporarily Halt 5G


Dear Precious People,


First of all I want to thank from the bottom of my heart, each and every one of you who so generously contributed to our lawsuit.  We would be absolutely nowhere without you!!  I would also like to thank those of you who passed the link on...that is a big part of fund raising - making sure the link is passed on to your friends and associates, re-posted on FB and other social media platforms.

I know some of you have expressed your desire to join our suit and I do apologize that I am sending this email out as opposed to calling you individually, just I got so inundated with calls and emails, it will take much longer for me to go through them and I can get this news to you much quicker by sending this email out.



Thus far we have managed to raise a whopping $48,276!!  That's in only 1 month of fund raising!  We have right now, $20,256 from the Go Fund Me Page and in mailed checks and direct donations on the website (that do not show up on Go Fund Me), we have raised $28,020!  I am so incredibly grateful and so excited!!  We are absolutely on our way!!


Also I have fantastic news!!  The lawsuit is now open to other states in addition to just CA!  This lawsuit is going to be expensive, so we are welcoming other states into the suit which will require an in state attorney to partner with our NY attorney to do "pro hac vice" which is the Latin legal term for an out of state attorney working with a law firm that is licensed to practice law in the state in which the out of state attorney is bringing the suit.  Please call or email me to discuss details if you are interested in joining.


We are also accepting a VERY limited number of people and/or communities within the state of CA.  We really do need to raise more funds and some of you have stated you are able to do that.  Please DO contact me as we may be able to name you in the suit and therefor possibly file injunctions in your area until the suit is adjudicated at which time we expect a win based on the research the law firm has completed, on what we will be suing under, which I will email out to you once I get permission from the attorney.  I will still try and call you individually, but I have to sift through everything and I was so slammed with people wanting to join (yey! :) that my notes may not be perfect on this.


Although our attorney told us we would be mot likely be filing this month, it looks more like another month or so.  I look forward to sending it to you as soon as we have it!  In the meantime, let's go for our next round of funding goal...$100,000!  We are almost @ $50,000 and if you can donate again and/or pass the link on to those who would be interested, we would be so very grateful to you.  We MUST raise these remaining funds and I KNOW we can do it!!  Please click on the below link to help us get there!


If you'd like to just re-post the Go Fund Me page you can do so by copying this link...

Thank you so much to those of you who have donated.  Please consider helping us get to the next level of funding, the $100,000 mark.  Please donate what you can and please do pass Go Fund Me the link or this entire email on! 

We have had the incredibly good fortune of having a court rule in our favor regarding NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) and the roll out of 5G and small cell wireless facilities.  Please click here for a sample letter you can send your town, city or county to at least temporally halt 5G until such time as we win our lawsuit!  (You may notice I have posted it on one of our sites that is not the non profit through which we are bringing the suit, as we are still fixing the issues with that site but are almost there.)  Please be sure and read our legal disclaimer at the top of the page in the link.

Very special thanks to Paul McGavin and Mark Graham for their continued, amazing, diligent work and help on this issue and the letter. 

With love, light and gratitude,

Liz Barris (google has also deleted most of my pages from their search engine)



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The Peoples Initiative Foundation www.thepeoplesinitiative.org, 101 S. Topanga Cyn. Blvd. #586, Topanga, CA 90290



Sent by mandatoryussmartgridblock@gmail.com in collaboration with

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