Yesterday, I called an ARRL Director to discuss a recent message I had sent to ODV on the previous day. The other Director had not received it.
I had been wondering what was wrong with my own email settings, as I have not been seeing the messages I have posted to ODV.
Further investigation has shown that I have not been receiving ODV messages for some time. I have not received 34865, 34878, 34884, 34886, 34887, 34888, 34889, 34890, 34891, 34892, 34893, 34894, 34895, 34, 896, 34897, 34898, 34899, 34900, 34901, 34902, 34903, 34904, 34905, 34906, 34907, 34908, 34909, and any number above 34910.
I have not been receiving A&F Committee messages either, as well as mail from other committees.
Obviously this is not a problem exclusive to me.
Note that one of the messages I sent to ODV recently was about problems. This is likely to be part of the same issue, that was apparently never addressed
I believe it is staff's responsibility to provide adequate communication for the Board. They have failed to do so.
There is apparently some problem caused by ARRL addresses being designated as spam sources by some ISP's. It is management and staff's obligation to attend to these issues.
It is not a Director's responsibility to solve these problems. We have paid staff to do so. However, I suggest using Director's home email addresses for ODV and other email reflectors rather than, or anything to do with Also, there should be some place on the web-site where ODV and other reflector emails are available for view by the Board members.
I also hope that some method can be found to rectify the problem and provide those of us who have not seen ODV and committee emails to view them.
Dick Norton, N6AA