We have good reason to think that S. 1685 may be scheduled for mark-up in
the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation as early as
next week. Mark-up is an extremely important step in the bill's progress
through the Senate. TKG is taking action on the Hill to support Senator
Wicker's efforts on behalf of the bill. Every committee member's office has
been contacted and has been sent the link to our video debunking opponents'
misrepresentations. TKG will meet with the committee staff this week. Any
letters to members of the committee that are now at TKG will be delivered in
advance of the mark-up.
We learned this morning that CAI has asked their members to contact Senators
on the committee to communicate what can only be called bald-faced lies
about the legislation. They are the same lies addressed in our video.
However, we will not rest on what has already been done.
The attached spreadsheet shows the members of the committee and the states
they represent. We need a blast of support for the bill to these Senators
now. Several people on the ODV live in states represented on the list. If
you are one of them, please contact your Senator(s) today by telephone or
e-mail with the following simple message:
"I'm a constituent and an amateur radio operator. I am calling to urge
Senator [BLANK] to support S. 1685, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, when it
comes up for a vote in committee on November 18th. Thank you."
Your state's Senators' Washington, DC, phone numbers are posted at
The committee's web page at
has a link to each committee member's own web site. There you will see a
link that may be titled "Contact" or "Connect" which leads to local office
phone numbers and an e-mail template.
Senator Nelson is shown on the spreadsheet as "ranking member." That means
he is the leader of the minority party on the committee and thus a person of
influence among his fellow Democrats.
After your own phone call or e-mail is done, please reach out to your
Division's members in the states on the list. Feel free to cut & paste from
this e-mail. Please use all the media at your disposal: web pages, e-mail,
Facebook, your Division legislative action volunteers, whatever works in
your Division.
As a heads-up, I'm going to reach out to Section Managers in the relevant
states. They should phone and e-mail, too, and ask their Section staff
people to do likewise.
Let's do this. Now.
73, Kay N3KN
arrl-odv mailing list