Amazon Sidewalk wants to operate in the Amateur 900 MHz band.
Anyone see this one coming? I didn't (and I operate SSB/CW in this band).
Rod, K0DAS
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: jon jones<> Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 4:57 PM Subject: Amazon Sidewalk To: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY <>, Rod Blocksome <>
Are you familiar with Amazon Sidewalk ? This item caught my eye as it mentioned the 900 MHz amateur radio band.
-- N0JK
At its Alexa
event on Wednesday,
announced a new low-bandwidth network called Amazon Sidewalk that could extend the range at which you can control your devices beyond what
and Wi-Fi
currently allow.
Sidewalk taps the 900MHz band of the radio spectrum -- typically used for amateur radio -- to extend the distance at which you can control your
smart home
devices, Dave Limp, senior vice president of devices and services said during the event.
Internet Amazon Sidewalk extends your network range, but security is already in question. The signal protocol will help you use smart gadgets outside your home.