Today's report.
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Begin forwarded message:
From: "Corey, Michael, KI1U" <>
Date: October 17, 2017 at 6:44:54 PM
Subject: Reporting in Monday 10/17
Day 12 – 10/17/17
- Volunteers are coming back from the Red Cross field assignments. They are processing out at Red Cross and then lodging at the EOC/JFO until they fly back. We’re working on getting some of them lodging aboard the La Suprema.
- We are working through a problem with one of the Red Cross Amateur Radio volunteers. It is a Red Cross issue; however, the Amateur Radio lead team is helping to connect some dots to find out what happened.
- Tomorrow we will begin taking equipment over to Southwest Air Cargo to ship back.
- SHARES will be deploying a total of 10 operators, who are also Amateur Radio operators, they will work with Oscar and local Amateurs to assist ESF-2 Communications.
- The Pactor 4 modems are being put into service with the SHARES operators and local Amateurs.
- I will submit reports tomorrow and Thursday. I am scheduled to fly back on Friday. The last day of the mission for the “Force of 50” will be October 20.
73,Mike Corey, KI1U
Emergency Preparedness Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®225 Main StreetNewington CT 06111-1494Telephone: 860-594-0222Fax: 860-594-0259email: