----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 7:21 AM
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10654] Re: BPL comment
In a message dated 5/28/2004 9:29:13 AM Eastern
Standard Time, n2ff@optonline.net
Both actions indicate partiality. The question is what
do we do about it?
Frank, per my prior message in
response to Tom, I don't think we are being treated differently, and certainly
not from others who OPPOSE BPL. The issue in our extension filing (which
admittedly should have been granted), and that in the reply comment extension
are different. Had FCC not extended the reply comment date after receiving
NTIA (initial) comments (which are supposed to be filed today and which will
be favorable to going ahead with BPL and making specific technical
suggestions) FCC would have set themselves up for an appeal based on an
Administrative Procedure Act violation, since there would have been no time
for anyone to respond to NTIA.
Our argument on the initial comment
date, that we needed more time to address the NTIA study, was less compelling
because of (1) the time available before comments were due to review the
study, which was short but not non-existent; and (2) the fact of the reply
comment period, which offered an opportunity to address the NTIA study.
So, while this whole proceeding is a freight train without brakes, and
FCC wants to pad the record with stuff favorable to BPL, and they have
prejudged the entire issue, it is hard to compare the two extension of time
requests in any way that establishes anything.